If you logged into Warframe today, you will have received a message informing you that Baro's special Tennocon Relay is now available in-game. Before the coronavirus hit, it must have been Tennocon Weekend, but the The event was postponed and replaced with a digital-only event due to the global pandemic.
If you are looking for Baro's special relay, you can find it orbiting the Earth as shown in the image below. If you don't see it, it's because you don't have a ticket for Tennocon. Only digital ticket holders will be able to see it. If not, it means you haven't purchased one yet.

Can you still buy a ticket?
Digital tickets are still sold this year, and you can still purchase one right now. Without it, you will not be able to access Baro's Special Relay on the weekends it is in play. You can purchase your tickets from the Warframe website. Digital tickets cost $ 24,99 and include the following items:
- 475 Platinum
- Tennocon 2020 Syandana
- Tennocon 2020 Glyph and Sigil
- Tennocon 2020 Emote
- New War Emote
- Tennocon 2020 Display
- New War Orbiter Decoration
- Baro Relay Ticket
Ticket holders will have access to the special Baro relay for the event. This is the only time of year when everything Baro can sell is available, making it a hot commodity for people who have been hunting down specific mods and items. Due to the relocation of the original Tennocon date, there will now be two special Baro weekends at the data and times shown below:
- July 11 at 11 a.m. ET to July 18 at 11 a.m. ET
- August 1 at 11 a.m. ET to August 3 at 11 a.m. ET