While a lot of time in Seasons Story: Friends of Mineral Town is spent working on your farm, you'll also be talking to NPCs and trying to make friends. Every now and then, different villagers will come to you with requests for help, or perhaps items to sell. From the start of your first winter, the mayor will show you home looking for a diamond. He's been talking in a corner with the mayor of a nearby town and needs a diamond to show how great Mineral Town is.
This is a bit difficult because unless you are well prepared enough, a diamond is very difficult to obtain. To get a diamond you will need to go to level 20 of the new Lake Mine. When you start playing the game, you will not be able to access Lake Mine. You will have to wait until the first day of winter when the lake freezes and you can cross it.
This mine works exactly like the Spring mine. You break rocks and use your hoe to try to find the ladder to move to the next level. Unlike the Spring Mine, which gives you ores to upgrade tools, the Lake Mine will give you Gems and Crystals instead. Once you get down to level 20 you will have a chance to get a diamond.
To be able to keep busy for that long you will need to bring items that will help you regain your stamina as if you left the mine, your progress would reset and you would start over at level one. If you don't have access to any recipes yet, go to the doctor and take plenty of stamina recovery drugs. If you're lucky, you should be able to make Curry Udon, which is cheap at 100 Gold for wheat flour and curry powder, and it'll give you a lot of stamina back.
Remember, you have to be home by 19:XNUMX p.m. to meet the mayor and give him the diamond, so don't be late.