Now that the cars have arrived in the game, people are wondering which one is faster. With four different vehicles to choose from, you'll want to make the right choice if you're looking for sheer speed.

The Whiplash is the fastest car in the game, capable of easily reaching 90 mph on the open road. It is also the only car with a boost function, although it burns your fuel quickly. Where the Whiplash falls is off-road. If you are not on a road, the speed will drop considerably and the handling will become poor at best. Stick with the black roof to really make this car shine.

The Prevalent is the second fastest car and will handle speed reasonably well when off-road. It can also hold a full team inside, which the Whiplash cannot. It only has the same amount of health as the Whiplash, so be ready to jump when the yellow bar gets low enough.

The Bear is a pickup truck that holds its speed very well off-road, so the best bet is to want to go somewhere far from a street. You can also join a full team, with two people in the back and one in the passenger seat. Not the fastest by any means, but consistent wherever you are on the map.

The fender is the largest vehicle, with the most health. It has the slowest acceleration, but once it hits the road it can hit 60 mph or more. It also won't stop for anyone and will smash walls that other vehicles just can't get through. It absolutely dies if you take it off-road, and it won't climb any hill for you either.