As you would expect from a Yoko Taro game, SINoALICE is dripping with style and self-awareness. Mobile games aren't especially known for their stories, but SINoALICE tells a dark, comedic thread of classic fairy-tale characters slaughtering thousands of monsters in an effort to resurrect their authors. The game is also aware that it is not the easiest to enter. There are tons of systems to understand when you are starting out, and it's not always clear what you should even be doing.
To make the game a bit simpler, a patch released shortly after its global launch included a new feature in its user interface, Path of the Rookies. If you're still wondering how to get started with this head scratching game, we've got you covered.
Find the beginners path
With the patched version of SINoALICE, you can find the Beginners Path feature icon at the top left corner of the game's home page. The Rookies's Path is basically a to-do list and other things you can do. you will want to accomplish to progress in the game at a good pace. There are so many different modes and features in SINoALICE, it's a good idea for new players to go down the rookie path and see what happens next. Completing sections of the Beginners Path will also earn you tons of rewards. Completing all of the Beginners Path will earn you hundreds of Twilight Crystals, weapon sets, and rare Alice / Mage work.
The tasks and rewards of Chemin des Rookies are as follows:
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 1, Verse 2 for any character
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 1, Verse 3 for any character
- Upgraded Sword (S Rank) x3
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 1, Verse 4 for any character
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 1, Verse 5 for any character
- Improved Sword (SR Rank) x3
- Upgrade 1 weapon
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 1, Verse 10 for any character
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 2, Verse 1 for any character
- Gun evolution material set
- Clear a story line in a cooperative battle
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 2, Verse 5 for any character
- Set of materials for the evolution of water weapons
- Clear two story verses in a cooperative battle
- Redeem an item at the Medal Exchange
- Wind Weapon Evolution Material Set
- Clear Impulse Act (Normal) Chapter 2, Verse 10 for any character
- Improved Shield (SR Rank) x3
- Improved Tablet (SR Rank) x3
- EXP Vial
- Join a guild
- Clear three story verses in a cooperative battle
- Fight at the Colosseum (requires a guild)
- Fight twice at the Colosseum
- Fight three times at the Colosseum
- Win a battle at the Colosseum
To walk the Rookie Path as efficiently as possible, it's best to group together a single character so that you can progress through the story without having to repeat the chapter and verse steps. You can always check to see how many more tasks you still need to complete for the rookie path on the home screen by checking the number tag on the rookie path icon.
SINoALICE is always a complicated game, but the Rookies' Path makes it a little easier to know what to do and get started to resuscitate certain authors.