National Video Game Day falls on September 12 of each year and is a day to celebrate everything related to video games. From the development of the very first games to the fact that gaming is now an absolute titan in the entertainment industry, you can celebrate it. If you have absolutely nothing better to do on this day, I guess.
It should be noted that National Video Game Day doesn't seem like some kind of an actual holiday, as no one told me that I didn't need to write this article, so it certainly doesn't fit into the same category as Christmas day. . It's also worth noting that no one is throwing fireworks at my houses so it looks a bit better than Halloween which is good.
It's not even the only National Video Game Day of the year. There is another, eerily similar day called National Video Game Day on July 8. Now we're really starting to feel like something's going on, and upon closer inspection we have found that National Video Game Day and National Video Game Day are just two normal things. days wearing glasses and fake mustaches.
Who launched National Video Games Day?
The Foundation for Video Game History has an article where they do a lot of research, finding the first mentions of a video game day on July 8 sponsored by a man called David Earle, the president of Kid Video Warriors. It also appears that some sort of split has occurred, and a few years later a new National Video Game Day began on September 18.
Who was David Earle? Why did he love video games so much? Why was he willing to pay to sponsor one day of the year when it was taken away by the cruel hands of others? No one knows, and for the most part, no one cares.
What is National Video Game Day now?
Besides being a bad joke, it seems to be slowly turning into a day where billion dollar companies are posting memes and trying to pretend they don't like watching themselves burn to gain additional market share.
Microsoft has released an instant classic, pictured above. In this particular Venn diagram, we're all expected to forget that much of the toxicity in games was actually sponsored by the million dollar marketing budgets of companies desperately trying to tell us that their product was the only correct way to spend our money. , and buying their consoles, games, and graphics cards was kind of a substitute for personality.
Nvidia jumped on it to promote its UltimatePlay sweepstakes. I don't know what it is, but describing it here seems to be playing the game of their hands, and I didn't fall for it.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has decided that National Video Game Day is a great time to warn parents about the dangers of purchasing comedy headphones for children. Or something like that, part of this text is quite small.
The US military chose to use National Video Game Day as the last avenue for recruiting after being kicked off Twitch for trying to trick people into signing up for a new fade a pair of shiny boots .
Sony doesn't seem to have posted anything on this, which is a shame as I imagine I could find a killer line on this. In fact, Sony will post about it next week, they had to let Microsoft post something first. Phew! The entire article is saved.
And that's all. It is all I have. Go play some games, it's National Video Game Day after all.