The Halo franchise has generated remarkable successes and rites of passage for budding gamers looking to make the game's campaign more difficult. While players can navigate the game in the hardest difficulty, they have the option to make it even more difficult by activating all of the Skulls, which will change the gameplay even further.
One notable challenge is called Legendary All Skulls On (LASO), which players have also referred to as Mythic Mode. In it, a player is to play Halo: Reach from start to finish on Legendary, with all 12 skulls activated. It's a huge challenge, where players test their skills with all the odds stacked against them from the start.
The achievement that goes with it is called Why Do This For Yourself ?, and to make sure you unlock it, you need to Halo: Reach Campaign and scroll down to Playlists. It should be the first, labeled LASO Campaign. You will not be able to change any The options when you load it.
Here are the 12 skulls you must face in addition to the legendary difficulty:
- Black Eye: Your shields only recharge when you meld enemies
- Blind: HUD and weapon display is removed from your screen
- Catch: enemies throw and throw more grenades
- Bell: The explosions acceleration is increased
- Starvation: Weapons dropped by AI have half the ammo they normally would.
- Fog: motion tracking is disabled
- Grunt Birthday Cake: Get a jam and a "hurray!"
- Iron: Dying in co-op resets you to your last saved checkpoint and dying solo restarts the level
- IWHBYD: Legendary In-Game Dialogue Becomes More Common
- Mythic: Enemies have improved their health
- Thunderstorm: Improves the rank of most enemies
- Tilt: enemy resistances and weaknesses are increased
- Tough Luck: Enemies always get enraged, always dive aside, and never run away.
You have the option to play with a friend. Therefore, if you and your friends want to try this challenge together, you can go ahead anytime.
In Halo: The Master Chief Collection, there is an achievement for completing every LASO playlist in every game in the collection. You earn 30 gamerscore for it, and it's called LASO Master. If you want to grab this achievement, you've got to beat a LASO playlist on Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4.