Activate and deactivate your uniform via the ability wheel in Watch Dogs: Legion.
I'm not entirely sure why Ubisoft decided to call it the “ability wheel” because it allows you to do so much more than review your abilities. That said, if your character has a uniform, they will be listed in their abilities, as shown in the Team tab of the game menu. Opening the weapon wheel in Watch Dogs: Legion will also display their available uniform, and simply doing so. selecting it will allow you to toggle between on or off (the weapon wheel also indicates whether you are wearing it or not). Hold down the Up / Down / Right D-Pad to raise the controller wheel and use the Right Stick to select your uniform. On PC, hold down the X key and use the mouse or associated number key to toggle your uniform.
It might not sound like much, but taking off your uniform while you're being chased by Johnny Law and Albion can help reduce your heat a bit. That, and how can you show you're buying stylish clothes if you're wearing a cop uniform? That's right: even cops can be recruited for their uniform in Watch Dogs: Legion. A good rule of thumb for tracking down a uniform is to consider which jobs require you to A.) wear a uniform, and B.) require that uniform to access certain areas. Getting back to the construction worker - a construction site will require a construction uniform, and you will find recruitable construction workers near a construction site. See how it clicks together?
The uniforms in Watch Dogs: Legion allow you to access these restricted areas without going into full stealth mode. Think of it a bit like the costume system of recent Hitman titles: you don't want to get too close to other people and arouse their suspicion (they'll find they don't recognize you if you do), but you can. waltz more easily to your mission by objecting without hindrance. Be sure to recruit at least one of each character type in uniform to aid your efforts to overthrow Albion and the authoritarian surveillance state ruling London.