As you explore the Warrens under the Weird, you'll find a strange character called the Provost in a prison cell. If you release him, you'll have to keep him alive - he sort of follows you and whispers Latin to himself. It's pretty weird, so if you're confused and stuck with the provost, here's what you can actually do with him. There are two achievements waiting for you!
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What's wrong with the provost? | Easter Egg Guide
To get the " Illumanati"Success and access a secret area, you must first enter the Warrens Under the Weird. Using Mechanic 5 to repair the generator and activate the computer to activate the defrost system in the prison block. Unlock the door with Lockpick 7 and you will meet the provost!
This strange character speaks in Latin. Meeting him will unlock the " Quid Agit ?!“Achievement - but there is still a lot to do! To discover its secrets, you must keep him alive and take him to Snowed Inn Resort.
Inside of Snowed Inn Resort, you should repair a toaster (using the Toaster Repair skill) and earn the " Minerva token"- a special article. Take the token to the provost and you will get a very strange dialogue.
With Provost, travel northeast and find a strange area called " In the heart of the mountain"- enter with the provost to uncover a dark conspiracy and unlock it"Illuminati »Success.
The Provosts are a strange messianic cult! These high-level creeps sing in a circle and disappear, but leave you with some secret knowledge. The Illuminati are real! you will gain a +1 perception advantage for completing this strange Easter egg quest. What was the point of all this?
Don't worry too much. This is a game with Golden Toaster guns and companions. Sometimes weird stuff happens.