The trick is just to find those parts. There are only four of them in the world and they are always found in random toasters. You'll need a high rank in Toaster Repair to repair these suckers - a weird quirk from the Wasteland series - and then you can trade them in or register them. They're worth $ 10 to trade, which sounds like a lot, but these things are really priceless. Here's how to use them and where to find them.
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How To Use Tarjan Coins | Permanent perks and temporary buffs
Tarjan Coins can be used at Machine Tarjan Cabinet of curiosities au Weird.
The machine gives you a random advantage / buff - it's totally random, so save it before try to use the machine. Each character can only acquire one of six types of buffs - no character can acquire the same buff.
- Tarjan booste:
- Tarjan's trick: Experience bonus of + 25% for 10 seconds (800 hours).
- Eye of Tarjan: Permanent cold residence + 1% and +2 upon penetration.
- Fortune cookie: Permanent constitution +15.
- Lightning strikes twice: The next 5 attacks of this character will have a 100% critical chance.
- Magic fingers: Barter skill increased by +1 for 10800 seconds (3 hours).
- Precognition: Permanent evasion + 10%.
Save your game before using the Tarjan machine, and hope you get the buff you want.
Lieux - Tarjan Coin
- Tarjan Coin # 1: In the toaster of the Ranger HQ cafeteria. (Toaster repair 3)
- Tarjan Coin # 2: In the Broadmoor Heights bunker. (Toaster repair 6)
- Tarjan Coin # 3: Apart from the Dinner in the Woundrous Tunnels. (Toaster repair 4)
- Tarjan Coin # 4: In the bunker at Union Station. (Toaster repair 6)
There are only four Tarjan coins, so put those things to good use! Each piece only activates the Tarjan machine once.