The wreckage is discovered in the Railjack missions and repaired in the dry dock.
If you want new gear for your Railjack, you'll need to go on Railjack missions - that easy. There are three houses / variants that can drop (Lavan, Vidar, and Zetki), and they each have three power levels: MK I, MK II, and MK III. Each house has its own strengths and weaknesses, such as Zetki weapons packing a bigger punch while generating the heat of a little star.
Also, the higher the level, the higher the random stats of a piece of wreckage can be. Currently, as I write this, there is a caveat to this randomization: Higher level Wreckage can get lower stats than lower level Wreckage. I'll update this article if DE adjusts this, but for now just know that higher level wreckage is your best bet for a stat boost, but bad luck can put a damper on things.
If you want to hunt down a higher level wreck, you just need to advance through the Railjack portion of the star chart. There are three “Proximas” from launch: Earth, Saturn and Veil. Earth drops the wreckage MK I, Saturn MK II and the Veil MK III. When you fly and take out hunters and crews, you will sometimes see a purple aura around an abandoned object: it is a wreck. Currently the wreck has a 15% chance of dropping, with some specific wreck variants having rarer drop chances. So you basically have a 15% chance that a coin will fall, but an even slimmer chance that it will be what you want.
You must, however, have at least one of your Intrinsics (Railjack skill trees) at rank 3 to enter Saturn and 7 to enter the veil. You'll want to focus on crushing your intrinsics if your goal is to skip the preliminaries and farm higher level wrecks in the veil (which I recommend doing, given the cost of repairing the wrecks, as you will see. below).
That's right: you can't use debris obtained from missions without repairing them first. Think of it like firing a weapon in the foundry, but with a steeper materials tax similar to finding the dojo. You have two options here: you can either dump the materials and wait twelve hours (which can be skipped for 20 Plat at most), or you can buy a quick repair drone for 50 Plat from the market to bypass the time requirements. and material. If you opt to use the drones, I would advise you to register them for the wreckage of the MK III, which comes with the heaviest material costs.
Materials, on the other hand, aren't too bad to cultivate. What you need for the wreckage of MK I can be found both as drops and as rewards for Earth Proxima missions, and so on for other levels of wreckage. MK III materials simply take longer to cultivate, so drones are better preserved for those drops.
If you decide you don't like the wreckage you got and don't want to fix it, you can click on the Dirac icon (the glowing rock) to scrap it, well, Dirac. This is Railjack's Endo, and scrapped wrecks are the easiest way to build up some stock for an avionics upgrade. The higher the level, the more Dirac is obtained.
That said, if you have repaired an item and no longer want it, scrapping it will instead provide a partial refund for the material used to repair it.
You can only have about XNUMX Debris in your inventory at a time (across all categories), and any extra drops are immediately removed. So if you don't want your drops to melt, immediately go to your dry dock often after a series of missions to eliminate what you don't want or no longer need.
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