How to beat Dark Inferno X
Those who are finalists and have played through all of the content in the base version of Kingdom Hearts 3 should remember this boss a bit, as Dark Inferno was a secret boss you could find and fight. This Dark Inferno had an insane number of rescue bars to fear, this one being a little easier to take down as it only had 10 health bars this time around.
To prepare for this fight, you'll want to have the Wheel of Fate keyblade you received from the Pirates of the Caribbean world as your primary weapon, unless you have otherwise unlocked Ultima Weapon or Oblivion. Wheel of Fate works well because it has two transformations you can activate, both of which make you invincible for a short time. This means you can use them to stay safe during some of Dark Inferno X's most powerful attacks, while also getting an ability boost. You also have the finishing blow for the Keyblade and as long as you turn it into a Storm Flag.
Dark Inferno X is going to be one of the fastest bosses you'll encounter in the game, with him immediately coming at you early on with a barrage of attacks. You can try blocking here if you can, but your best bet is to try and dodge his punches until his streak of attacks is over, and then lie on top of him. If you try to interrupt his barrage of attacks, you will lose every time. He's faster and stronger than you, so you have to play defensively here which is quite rare in this game. Using spells like Waterga and Firega can also be helpful here, but be careful not to open yourself up to attacks. by doing them too often.
Whenever you see Dark Inferno X, put both of his swords in a defensive position, step back and be ready for an attack. Trying to expand your combo when he does will leave you vulnerable to attack, where he will gain great advantage.
At certain points in the fight, it will disappear and turn into little orbs that will fly around. At this point, back up and jump into the air and start sliding around the edge of the map. Hope this allows you not to be touched by it when they come after you.
Eventually, Dark Inferno X will reappear, so rinse and repeat the previous steps to finally take him down. Also be prepared to heal a bit in this fight, so it's a good idea to have Curaga in your spell slots, as well as something like Hi-Potions throughout your item slots. You don't have any teammates here, so there's no need to bother with anything else.
As long as you follow the steps above, you should be able to finally remove Dark Inferno X. Just be careful of its series of attacks that you can't really block, try not to overtake yourself when you have an opening and heal if necessary.