Pagan Online's release date was August 27, and within a week of its launch, internet users have voiced some serious opinions about this game. Much of this title seems to be gaining attention because it looks and feels good. feeling like an improvement on the Hack-and-Slash RPG action genre. And that is really it. However, the game has its drawbacks, which the developers themselves have recognized and are working tirelessly on. This game therefore deserves a serious look.
Development and reception
This title is for PC only and has been signed by Mad Head Games as a developer. This is the same studio that has other cool games on Steam, like Adam Wolfe, the Rite of Passage series, the Nevertales series, the Dark Realm series… and, yeah… a lot of other solid titles. The publication went to Wargaming.net, and considering that this game was expanded very quickly, their work was solid as well. On Steam, Pagan Online has so far received mixed reviews, which apparently is the fate of all H&S RPG action games, even Diablo was not immune. It costs less than thirty dollars but surprisingly it is a frequent purchase considering the price.
The publisher has perhaps given the best description of the plot setting for this game, and it goes like this:
“Revisit your grandmother's fairy tales with a two-handed battle ax. Seek the glory and treasure of the missing gods in this fast-paced hack and slash game that you can play solo or co-op. "
And that's all. You are part of a fantasy world filled with Slavic mythology and all kinds of creatures and enemies imaginable. Your mission is to win. Now the objective of the mission depends on whether or not you need to kill a specific target or defeat all enemies in a given area. But the main experience of this title is its action-packed combat, which is why the hack and slash badge is deserved. So "a little less talking a little more action, please."
Pagan Online action RPG uses the same model as all other games in the genre. You kill items, loot, then return to your Sanctuary to spend rewards and level up your character. That's not what sets him aside. What sets this game apart from the rest is its control system and colorful characters, which the whole community is in agreement on at the moment. The other thing that sets this game apart is its WASD control system, as opposed to the standard mouse focus used by most action RPGs. This feature got a pretty positive reaction from the crowd.
The characters in Pagan Online are not typical lessons of this genre. Here the characters come with their own skills already prepped for them. However, character progression is a natural part of the game, otherwise it wouldn't be an RPG. To evolve your characters, you can develop and increase their abilities over time, slightly changing the way they work or cooperate with others.
Finally, this game offers characters to unlock. There are eight characters in total and only three available at the start. You unlock the rest by collecting Hero Shards for the specific hero. The diversity of characters really changes the flavor of this game and playing with a different character can make you feel like you're really playing a different game. However, that brings us to the first issue that most members of the online community face, which is character unlocking. Since ALL of the characters offer a unique mix to the game, you may find yourself having a farm and playing a bit with a character you might not like only to find one that potentially fits your own playstyle.
But, in our opinion, that is offset by the impressive way these characters are designed. All of them have innovative mechanics and abilities rarely seen in this genre, and playing each can be a lot of fun. The other downside that people have pointed out is that the increase and progression of the character is somewhat narrow and is limited to extending or extending the range of a specific ability or the like. However, this is what Mad Head Games the developer has acknowledged and they are currently working on it.
Appearance and graphics
Pagan Online looks amazingly good with its own art style inspired by Slavic mythology and art. The game is perfectly rendered and tweaked to display the action in the best possible way. The modeling also provides a kind of unique flavor, which again enhances the entire genre like many other things created for this game.
Pagan Online offers endless replayability, endless content, 8 insanely interesting characters with their own unique gameplay flavors, and it's truly superb. Some of the little issues he experienced were immediately recognized by the developer, which is awfully nice and has to be addressed quickly, which is more than we can ask for. Overall, this game is an improvement on the action RPG hack and slash genre, there aren't two words about it.
Atmosphere 8
8 Chart
Gameplay 8