In addition to Ember and Frost Prime, Relics Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Sicarus Prime, and Glaive Prime have been added to the Relic drop tables. Customizations for both warframes are also available for a limited time. With Update 29.2.0, Trinity Prime and Nova Prime have been added to the vault, to include their weapons and associated customizations. As always, if you have Relics with their parts, those parts will remain unchanged.
Marked For Death received an overhaul in update 29.2.0, and the Helminth saw adjustments to Railjack materials and bile. There have been optimizations for the character shaders and a selection of optimizations and bug fixes. The full patch notes are listed below.
Warframe: Heart of Deimos Update 29.2.0 Patch Notes
Prime Vault: Ember and Frost Prime
Add elemental dueling forces to your Arsenal with the latest version of Prime Vault!
Ember Prime and Frost Prime, along with their primary weapons and exclusive customizations, are now available for a limited time! The Trinity Prime, Nova Prime packs and their relics are back in the vault.
Relics Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Sicarus Prime, and Glaive Prime have been added to droptables!
Visit https://www.warframe.com/prime-vault to discover the Prime Vault offers!
Changes marked for death:
(The original dev workshop can be found here:
https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1227741-marked-for-death-where-we%E2%80%99ve-been-and-changes-to-come/?tab=comments#comment-11868546 )
We're changing Marked for Death to start its base damage at 75%, which will cap at 150% with mods. Since “Damage Type In = Damage Type Completed”, this adapts well to certain damage types, especially those with DOTS, which we are considering.
Simply put: we fix the damage!
Helminth Railjack Resources and Bile Changes:
(The original dev workshop can be found here:
https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1227534-helminth-railjack-resources-bile-changes/?tab=comments#comment-11866782 )
There will be a reduction in Railjack Resource Cost bundles at all levels needed to produce Helminth Secretions.
The changes are as follows:
Additionally, anyone with Helminth installed and owned by Railjack will receive a resource inbox after the patch goes live, which includes the reduced costs. A perfect script is not possible, but a generous bag is! If you meet the criteria, you will receive the resources through the inbox after the patch date. We'll let you know in this discussion thread once the inbox script is complete - stay tuned!
To give players more options for bile secretion, we are adding the following components as food to Helminth to create bile:
- Antiserum Fragment x 900
- Javlok capacitor x 7
- Navigation coordinates x 50
General changes in helminths:
Helminth now shows you a locked status when you sit in a chair with a Warframe whose ability you have already absorbed (stops confusing players).
Warframe 29.2.0 Character Shader Changes:
We have made significant improvements to probe lighting. As a result, dynamic objects receive better lighting and metals are more responsive. Additionally, items should now look more grounded in their surroundings.
Warframe 29.2.0 Optimizations:
Performed a micro-optimization for melee ground slams.
Performed a micro-optimization when opening the inventory screen.
Optimized assets in parts of Deimos to improve performance.
Optimized resources in Deimos skybox to improve performance.
Warframe 29.2.0 fixes:
Fixed a crash when encountering a rescue objective in the Plains of Eidolon.
Fixed a crash that occurred when a Treasurer spawns during a Corpus Ship Defense mission
Fixed a matchmaking exploit related to Isolation Chests.
Fixed Clients unable to reactivate the bait station if the bait is lost during a Vault Isolation Bounty.
Fixed being able to catch many Concoctions if all team members trigger the context action at the same time during a Vault Isolation Bounty.
Fixed issues with missing Granum Void portals when a certain spawn tile is used in the Corpus Remastered ship.
Correction of Battacor High Fire damage being the same, whether fired with 1 or 3 charges.
Fixed the Cataclysm of Limbo and Tesla Nervos interaction (via Helminth Subsumed) dealing more than the normal amount of damage.
Fixed Khora's Accumulating Whipclaw buffs stacking indefinitely after jumping into a teleport volume.
Fixed Xaku's Lohk bending ability targeting ghost enemies in the Ambulas boss fight.
Fixed Jugulus Mod Set cooldown not present in the HUD buff section.
Fixed the Necralisk Gate turning black and transparent after using Fast Travel.
Fixed Warframes overlapping the Modding UI when modding in a Town / Relay.
Fixed Clients seeing double markers in Capture Missions.
Fixed the Disturbance Key UI appearing as a file path in the second round UI.
Fixed an issue where Warframes would flicker if you stayed in the Orbiter while they completed their Subsume and queued another.
Fixed various compatibility issues with the Oscira Skin collection.
Fixes weapon audio issues with the Oscira pistol skin.
Fixed a script error when playing Eidolon hunts.
Fixed Assault Missions not failing when time was up.
Fixed issues with Hybrid Companions spawning in the Market when viewing certain items.
Fixed some Look Link issues and diorama issues with new companions (mismatched tails, for example).
Fixed some issues with teleport height on the Cambion Drift Captura stage.
Fixed issues with improper use of the ESC menu possible in the Heart of Deimos quest.
Fixed camera clipping near Cetus gates in the Plains of Eidolon.
Fixed some poorly lit and misplaced doors in Orokin Derelicts.
Fixed Clem and other friendly NPCs sometimes appearing in the ceiling.
Fixed camera alignment issues when opening the Arsenal as an Operator in a Town / Relay.
Fixed a default animal displayed for a quick second when swapping pets in the arsenal.
Fixed dark spots in the Corpus OutPost skybox.
Fixed a slight text overlap in the Eidolon Hunt Bounty objective UI.