While the mountains aren't the most difficult area in the game, they're basically your real end goal. As of this writing, there is no reason to visit the Plains and defeat the boss - it doesn't give you anything special. Moder, the giant dragon who guards the mountains? This gives you an invaluable item. The Dragon's Tear allows you to make a craft table from which you can make a blast furnace, windmill, and spinning wheel.
We've got more tips to help you cross the peaks and stay alive in the deadly cold. Check out the full guide below.
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The mountains are the frozen summits of the kingdom. These snowy areas will literally put you in a frost state if you are not wearing warm clothes. Huge enemies like Stone Golems are hidden in the rocks and Drakes patrol the skies - so you'll need good arrows to take them down. Mountains are one of the most dangerous areas, so here's what you need to know to survive solo.
- Before you go to the mountains, you will need to acquire frost resistant clothing. Lox Cloak / Wolf Fur Cloak / Wolf chest armor. You can craft them by hunting the mighty Lox in the plains, or by killing wolves.
- The mountain biome is where you'll find value Obsidian et Silver ore deposits. Both require an iron ax. To mine money, you will need the Wishbone accessory acquired by beating the Bone mass boss in the Swamps.
- When the boom beeps, dig directly to discover a vein. You will find 60+ silver ore by vein.
- Le Mountains are exceptionally steep. AT facilitate ledge climbing, jump and hit the rocks with your pickaxe to make small anchor points. Just keep going and you can reach the top from anywhere.
- If it rains, build a fire and a small shelter to wait for it. Standing near a fire will protect you from wet / frozen state. You can also brew Antifreeze potion.
- Pierre golems are tough creatures on snow-capped mountains. Instead of fighting them on an equal footing, why not attack from above? Jump on the golem's head from a high ledge, and you can just stand on its skull, hitting it endlessly from your safe place. Otherwise… ignore them. They are not worth the effort.
- Wolves are a pain. Use a medium shield to block and ward off their attacks.
- Drakes are cunning enemies. Use your best bow - and keep hitting them. Move and shoot to avoid their attacks. You will usually find drakes guarding nests. These nests are important for their dragon eggs. Obsidian / Fire Arrows are best against them.
- To invoke Moder the dragon boss you have to locate 3 dragon eggs. You will find runestones on the peaks that direct you to the site of the sacrifice. Place the three dragon eggs to summon Moder - each egg weighs 200 weights, so you'll want to store each egg you find in a safe place.
- Dragon eggs can be found in dragon nests on the high peaks.
- To fight Moder, bring a Hunter's Bow et Obsidian arrows. Fire arrows are also good for this ice elemental boss. To make the battle easier in solo, you can also try building a workbench / portal in the area to get the aggro - dig a hole so he can't easily reach them and place them underneath. Moder will ignore you and try to destroy them instead.
Moder - and any bosses - will retain any damage you deal to them. If wolves or drakes appear while you are fighting Moder, step back and deal with them before continuing the fight. Moder is very, very powerful, so it's okay to come back for a second or third round later.