Get ready for fishing, we have sea snakes to hunt.
Being inside your ship and in the water, the Serpent has a clear advantage over you, and it is very likely that he will win the fight at the end of the day, if you decide to fight him right away. . I suggest you avoid doing this, if this is your first time facing this beast, as dealing with the Serpent can be extremely awkward. You will begin to take on these creatures, once you have the right tools.
Speaking of tools, there's one you need to trivialize this fight. The Abyssal Harpoon. As the name suggests, it's a harpoon that you can throw at enemies and impale them. It acts like a spear this way, but the harpoon has a rope attached to you when throwing, so you can shoot or drag any stabbed monster. To see how you can create such a great tool, be sure to read our guide here.
Having said that, let's go to the sea. Get in your boat and go sailing. You are strongly advised to sail relatively close to shore, and you will see why in a minute. Prepare your Abyssal Harpoon and, if possible, have a friend by your side. Don't worry, it's totally doable solo, but a bit more difficult to achieve. Either way, be prepared to farm ladders.
As soon as you see a snake, or it spots you, which is most likely, throw the harpoon at it. Even if you miss, the harpoon won't go away, so don't be afraid to try multiple times. After logging in, the time has come for the actual tour. With the Serpent impaled, start sailing to the nearest beach or generally land, while pulling it. After that, jump on the ground and the sea serpent should be dragged with you. Now out of the water, the enormous monster is quite simply a large harmless snake. Hit him and he'll be dead in seconds. Plunder its precious scales and meat and enjoy your glorious triumph. It is a very simple way to cultivate the necessary elements Serpent Scale Shield, which is a very strong shield, equal to some of the endgame shields. Good hunt!
Valheim is now available via Steam Early Access.