One task on the main streets is to get the goose on Untitled Goose Game on TV. The task is going to require you to have two interacting NPCs. Additionally, completing this task completes another task at the same time.
How to watch TV in the game Untitled Goose
The first thing to do is locate the young boy on the main streets. He's going to play with his ball somewhere or with his blue plane. When you find him, honk or flap your wings against him. You want to be in front of the red phone booth in the middle of the square. It is right between the two buildings on the corner of the main streets.
You want to chase him to the phone booth. When he gets there, he's going to jump in and make a phone call. This will be the owner of a TV store in one of the stores. You will see him approach the window and pick up the phone inside his store.
When the young boy is stuck in the phone booth, you receive a reward for locking him in the phone booth. It's a check mark off your list.
Now the owner of the TV store is going to rush out of his store and chase you. Instead of being chased, go down a bit and wait for him to approach the phone booth. While he's there, run into the store and go to the store. In the store, click the button next to the door to turn on the televisions. From there, you should see a reflection of yourself on the TVs standing in the store.
Shortly after that you will get credit and the task will be checked off your list. You will have completed two tasks at the same time in Untitled Goose Game.
You are so close to get to the next area, the back gardens. There you are going to find a man and a woman who live side by side and their day is about to fall apart for one goose in particular.