Scorestreaks debuted in Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops II as an evolution of Killstreaks - instead of racking up a number of kills in a row to unlock Air Support rewards, other tasks such as taking goals and getting assists also contributed to these rewards. . Treyarch uses Scorestreaks again in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, but they work differently in the 2020 title.
Traditionally, your streak would end once you die and respawn in play. However, in Black Ops Cold War your streak continues even after the player dies. As such, the scores required for these Scorestreak rewards are higher than they usually are in Call of Duty in order to balance the fact that your score will continue to increase. And it sure will, as Treyarch has added a streak bonus system where winning multiple wins in a row will multiply the number of points you get for each elimination.
It's a controversial move, sure, but one that will allow players of all skill levels to be able to use these fun gadgets and toys. Below are the confirmed Scorestreak rewards for the Black Ops Cold War public alpha. Each reward has a 90 second cooldown before you can use it again.
Required score: 600
The iconic and original Scorestreak from the Black Ops series is back, and as always, it's the easiest to earn. You'll control a small remote control car with a bomb attached - drive it over one or more enemies and detonate it at will, assuming they don't shoot it first.
Spy plane
Required score: 800
More commonly known as a UAV, the Spy Plane retains its usual Black Ops nickname. Summon that plane to reveal enemy positions on your minimap every two seconds. The chime noise it makes at every interval is a bit annoying, however.
Required score: 1900
Combining artillery in Call of Duty: World at War and Mortar Team in the first Black Ops, this Scorestreak reward lets you choose three locations on the map to launch artillery shells. Do not target near you, as this is an easy way to accidentally get away from yourself.
Napalm strike
Required score: 2400
This scorched earth attack returns from the first Black Ops - choose both the location and the original angle of the attack plane, and it will drop cans of napalm on the map. Even after the strike, the remaining fire will continue to damage anyone nearby.
Air patrol
Required score: 2750
The new Air Patrol is an anti-Scorestreak Scorestreak. A squadron of jets will arrive and shoot down all enemy air support: spy planes, attack helicopters, etc.
War machine
Required score: 3150
Returning as a Scorestreak instead of a specialized weapon like it was in Black Ops 4, the War Machine is an extremely powerful grenade launcher. After reaching the required score, your character will equip it, with 12 ammo on hand. Do not die while it is armed, otherwise you will lose it immediately.
Attack helicopter
Required score: 3750
A mainstay since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the Attack Helicopter is one of the more practical rewards in the series. Summon a helicopter that will autonomously patrol the map and shoot down enemy players in its sight. Of course, enemies on the ground can shoot it down with rocket launchers.
Chopper gunner
Required score: 6000
The most powerful and perhaps the most overpowered Scorestreak is the Chopper Gunner. You will take control of an artilleryman on a helicopter; enemy players will be marked and you will be free to unload turret fire at them. You don't want to be on the outside when the opposing team has one of those bad boys on the line.