Emolga is a member of the Pokémon similar to Pikachu. There is a new version of a little electric mouse with every generation. Generation 2 in Joto presented Pichu, generation 3 in Hoenn had Plusle and Minun, generation 4 in Sinnoh in Pachirisu, generation 5 in Unova in Emolga, generation 6 in Kalos will receive Dedenne, generation 7 in Alola will receive Togedemaru and finally generation 8 in Galar will get Morpeko.
Considering how easy it can be to find Pikachu or Plusle and Minun, it's surprising to see Emolga be so rare and maybe that means he'll be easier to catch in the future. That being said, however, Pachirisu has been made exclusive to the northern regions of the world! Hopefully, Emolga will remain available to everyone after this event rather than being locked in a specific region. Likewise, Sewaddle has also been strangely elusive given that it is basically the new Pokemon worm like Weedle, Caterpie, or Wumple. Sewaddle is almost as hard to find as Emolga and her evolutions cost 25 and 100 candies instead of the usual 12 and 50 for worms from previous generations.
How to find a new Pokémon
The best way to find an Emolga for yourself, or a Sewaddle, or any new Pokémon for that matter, all you have to do is check the list nearby. If you've never caught a Pokémon before, it will appear as a silhouette in the lower right corner of your screen. Because it's new, the tracker will prioritize this Pokémon over all others in the nearby list. This means that you can find an Emolga as long as it is spawned somewhere in the Pokemon Go overworld that you can see.
The easiest way to use the tracker is to check it every now and then when new Pokémon appear. Opening Pokemon Go every 30-60 minutes will allow you to see the most Pokemon on the tracker. This method works well when you are at home if there are any visible Pokestops, but it will be especially easy to do while you are traveling because. Unfortunately with Covid-19, going out isn't always an option, and visiting other places can be dangerous. If you find yourself at work or the grocery store, or just want to take a drive for a change of scenery, you'll have a greatly improved chance of finding an Emolga or Sewaddle on your list nearby. Do not play while you are driving yourself! The reason traveling helps is that you can see new Pokestops faster without having to wait for new Pokémon to appear. Being in an area where there are a lot of Pokestops means a lot of Pokémon spawning, and you'll have a much easier time finding Pokémon that you don't have.
The good thing about the tracker is that other players can also see these new rare Pokémon on their list nearby and report them. If there is an active community of Pokemon Go players where you are, try creating a spawn chat where you can share the locations of rare Pokemon. This will help you find even more Emolga after you've already caught your first! This can be a great way to find Pokémon with shiny shapes too, for a guide to shiny Pokémon in Unova week click here.
Once you know where an Emolga is, all you have to do is go grab it, don't forget to wear a mask and social distancing! If you can't get out safely and grab an Emolga, they're also rarely available from Frankincense and 7km Eggs found in the gifts. However, incense and incubators are important resources, and finding an emolga this way can be slow. In the end, it all depends on luck, but if you can find an Emolga nearby, the only factor left is to get there!