Toca Boca is an online platform designed for the youngest members of the family. Through these games, children will be able to create their own world and live the best adventures hand in hand with their character. The characters can have the appearance that each user wants and there is no destination or goal to be reached, but each player will originate his or her own path. each player will create his or her own path.
The distributor Toca Life has decided to generate a game in which there is no competition and in which children can have a great time helping others. But there are always players who want to go further and discover all the secrets hidden in the game, to become one of the best players on the platform.
That is why, in this article, we want to introduce you to some of the best cheats in Toca Boca that will allow you to get free resources, change your character, get new abilities, etc. All this without the need to hacking Toca Boca and risk your account in the most fun game for Android and iOS.
The shelter trick in Toca Boca
In the Toca Boca's shelter you will be able to find a great variety of secrets. This game is based on getting the Crumpets and utensils throughout the game. Once you have entered the shelter, you must guide your character into the sewers by turning him to the left side of the screen.
You can touch and lift the sewer, in order to get the sewing crumpet get the sewing crumpet. Keep moving towards the end of the shelter, where you will find the storage room and the dressing room. There you will see an image on your screen that clearly says "No Sloth". You will have to lift that image, to get a new get a new costume, quite peculiar, for your character.
As you walk through the shelter, you will notice that there are several enclosed spaces. But in the middle of them there is a place where we can open the Santa Maria, place some food and get another crumpet again.
If you head towards the theater, you can also discover 2 more secrets that are hidden and that we are going to reveal to you below. The first one consists of touching the sunOnce you have done this, you will see that you can place this part of the game at day or night. In addition, you will see a wide variety of masks that you can take down and use to decorate a little more your character and give him that personality that characterizes you.
So far so good? Well, let's keep moving forward. Head to the game's kitchen, where Grandma is lying down. You can take the tomato sauce, open it and run it through your hair. you will see your hair instantly dyed. You can remove the red color from your hair by putting your character under the shower for a long time.
Warning: beware of free generators
There are some online platforms that claim to give you all the resources you need in Toca Boca, without you having to make the slightest effort. But let me tell you, that's a lie. These generators are only trying to trick users into falling into their advertising traps.
Some of them even make you enter your personal data, to use it against you and fill your inbox with SPAM. Pay close attention when you find yourself in front of scam platforms like Dontruko, Mobilgamer or Goluego and never follow the steps they indicate you, because they will not give you anything in return.
I have used the cheats, but I don't receive the resources
The cheats that we have shown you in the previous section, are not illegal, they are only tricks of the game that not everyone knows. Therefore, if the resources you have earned do not reach your accountIf the resources you have won do not reach your account, there is a problem with Toca Boca or with your user. To solve it, you will have to contact the Google Play HelpHelp center, so that they can find the best solution to your problem.
Resources disappear from my account
This is also another problem you may encounter in Toca Boca. One day you have a lot of resources and the next day you find that you have half of them. Many of the users don't realize this, because they don't keep track of their resources. control of their resources, so we recommend that you can start doing it.
If the resources disappear from your Toca Boca account it is because they are being stolen, i.e. your account has been hacked. your account has been hacked. To solve it we recommend you to change your password as soon as possible and contact the Toca Boca organization through their official social networks:
Frequently asked questions
We leave you with some of the most frequently asked questions that Toca Boca users ask us, so that they can help you to have a better experience in the game and enjoy like never before with your friends.
How many crumpets are there in Toca Boca?
There are four Crumpets in Busy Plaza.
How do I get more crumpets in the world of Toca?
Take Leon to The Storage and give him a hair dryer and the scissors (which can be found in the Barber Shop) to get another Crumpet. Take Leon to The Storage and give him a purple marker and the glue (which can be found in the Tailor Shop behind the old man) to get the dice crumpet.
Who is Leon in Toca Boca?
Leon is a main character in Toca Life Stories and is a close friend of Rita.
We hope that this article about the best cheats in Toca Boca has helped you to get extra resources in your account, in a totally legal and fun way. If you are interested in becoming a real gamer and know all the secrets of the best video games at the moment, do not hesitate to consult our platform of ForAppsLovers platform.