Bill is back! It just arrived at Hogwarts, as well as our walkthrough for Chapter 5 of the Sixth Year of the Hogwarts Mystery! During this one, you'll go with Charlie to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to see Bill again. As it turns out, he's now a spellbreaker for the Gringotts Witch Bank and, after working hard for a while, he finally got a break to visit Hogwarts and reconnect with you and the rest of the team that breaks them. spells. You will tell him about recent events involving the statue's curse, Trelawney's prophecy, and the Centaurs. Needless to say, he will be very surprised to find out that so much has happened during his absence.
However, he did not come for a visit. Ultimately, he plans to visit Hogwarts every now and then to teach you and the rest of your friends new defensive spells. The reason is quite simple. Ever since Rakepick showed his true colors, no one is completely safe, and he wants to do everything in his power to prepare you and the rest of your friends for what lies ahead. He even got permission from Professor Dumbledore to use the Defense Against the Dark Arts class for this purpose.
Other than that, Percy will inform you that his brothers, Fred and George are nowhere to be found. He is worried that something has happened to them and he will ask you to help him find them.
What happened to Fred and George? Where did they go? Did they possibly fall victim to the statue's curse? Find out in our Walkthrough for Chapter 5 of the Sixth Year of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery!