The tireless Electronic Arts has released a new expansion for The Sims 4. But forget about the placid life of the sunny beaches of Island Life, our Sims will have little to enjoy with the new expansion pack University life. What opportunities lie behind stressful study sessions? Let's find out in ours review of The Sims 4: University Life.
The Sims 4 College Life review
As a title, University life allows us to enroll our Sims in college to forge the young minds who will (perhaps) become the brilliant intellectuals of tomorrow. This expansion introduces the university district of Britechester in which there will be two universities: the modern institute of Foxbury and the historic university of Britechester. Between the two arises Gibbs Hills, the center of Sims' social life as well as community and housing centers separate from the college.
Become young adults, Sims will be able to enroll in university at any time through your computer or mailbox. Once you have chosen the location that suits you best, you will have to select the study path. The degree courses introduced are very many and go from Fine Arts a Psychology, from Dramatic Arts a Story. Each course is about specific skills that the Sim will develop simply by studying or attending classes. They are also present of the distinguished degrees which vary according to the chosen university. Distinguished degrees can only be selected if the sims meet certain requirements but guarantee much greater working advantages than a classic degree.
In order to graduate, it will be necessary to pass 12 exams divisible as you like. You can graduate in just 3 sessions of 4 exams or split the exams to have more time for yourself. Each exam requires a few days (about 1 week and a half in-game) in which you will have to study, attend lessons and carry out activities that will allow you to obtain a higher grade in the final exam.
Campus life
To write this The Sims 4: College Life review, we got help from our new and enterprising Sim Laura Conlode (I DO NOT REGRET). Laura chose to enroll at the modern Foxbury University to undertake the undergraduate program of Art history. This course will provide you with tremendous benefits should you want to become one painter or a art critic. Not having much money available and wanting to fully live the life of the Campus, Laura decided to go and live in a shared dormitory. This is a particular lot introduced with this expansion where you will have to pay some sort of rent at the beginning of each session. The price is clearly lower than a real house but you will have to share the room, the house and above all the bathroom.
Despite these difficulties, Laura is able to study on books and prepare the various papers and presentations necessary to better pass each exam. In fact, the new ability of Research and Debate which will help our aspiring Doctors to better manage their resources during their university career. Added to this is also the skill Robotica which interests students (and non) experts in engineering who will want to identify with the creation of various robots.
Between one exam and another even a convinced nerd like Laura must have fun. Fortunately, there is no shortage of entertainment on campus! Once he's in his shiny new one bicycle, the new means of transport, here it is in fact arriving at thecommon area of the campus where Sims can meet to study together but also play juice-pong to challenge the other students to the last drink. Here it is also possible to eat at the canteen of the institute the "delicacies" of the chef and celebrate the student spirit. In fact, both universities have a strong academic identity that often puts students at odds. Each venue has its own mascot and its own sports team as well as eSports who will compete in the neighborhood stadium.
New opportunities
The expansion also introduces three new inactive careers: law, education and engineering. These jobs are closely linked with certain degree paths and will make you earn a lot, lots of simoleons. The career of law will allow you to choose whether to become a lawyer or judge, with the ieducation you will become a taught or administrator while pursuing the career of engineer you can choose between computer engineering o mechanical engineering.
Obviously, there are many new objects and clothing entirely dedicated to the life of university students. We are talking about objects like new station to create robots, a new laptop to play with… that is, study anywhere and much more. Unfortunately most of the items and some outfits don't make much sense to non-students which makes this expansion a bit stand-alone failing to impact life outside of college.
The university obstacles
In theory The Sims 4: University Life is a successful expansion and the pride of all those fans of the series who, for a long time, have been clamoring for its arrival. Practically the DLC has a number of fairly deep gaps which clearly distances it from the university expansions of The Sims 3 and The Sims 2 in primis. Despite the splendid characterization of the neighborhood, the university climate it's not that noticeable inside the dorms either. Students behave exactly like any sim; the memories of the crazy and messy dorms with lots of naked people hanging around in The Sims 2 are long gone. But don't worry, your Sim will still arrive at the end of the session in devastated psycho-physical conditions, that's realism!
Annoying as never before, irritants return once again rabbit hole which, beyond areas such as the library or common area, will prevent you from seeing any of your Sim's activity outside their home. Lessons, presentations and meetings with professors will take place away from your eyes making those moments extremely boring and long.
Another element that has not fully convinced us is that of time. Even if you decide, like us, to take 4 exams per session, reducing to a minimum the time it takes to graduate, you will be forced to go through the entire young adult stage at university, greatly reducing your Sim's life time to work, have a family and invest in their home. It is true, however, that this problem can be solved by extending the life span of your Sims from the options.
In conclusion
The Sims 4: University Life offers all the new features you expect from a expansion pack worthy of the name: new opportunities, new careers, a new special creature (The Robots) and many other innovations to be discovered. Like any DLC, the flaws are not lacking but fortunately (?) We are too busy studying to notice them all!
The Sims 4 University Life
- Many degree courses to choose from
- Well done new neighborhood
- New careers add so much variety
- Few news for non-students
- Damn Rabbit Hole