One of the fastest ways to level up a character is by playing Harm Challenges. Take part in an Evil Challenge and reduce the difficulty to a minimum, as it doesn't affect the level a character can level up to, and… it's easier. Choose a lower level character, then choose higher level characters as companions - this speeds up the challenge, and since your companions are more powerful, it takes less time overall, as they are kicking while you improve the character of your choice. In a Harm Challenge, the character will usually level up once and sometimes twice.
To save time and continue on the upgrade expressway, you can pause the Harm Challenge before it officially ends and select 'Reload Checkpoint'. This switches to a new loading screen which takes a lot less time than starting over from the main menu. When you start over from the checkpoint, the Harm Challenge starts over, but the character keeps the levels they just earned. Do this consecutively in a way to accelerate to higher levels.
Drop Zones are also a great way to level up. Drop zones differ from damage challenges in several ways. Instead of searching enemies in a single space, Drop Zones are short challenges, usually under 10 minutes, that have a single objective. If you are looking to collect resources as you level up, Drop Zones are the way to go, as Harm Challenges are only fights.
Characters will also increase as the main storyline is completed by completing missions and defeating enemies. But if the main story isn't enough, these are some of the fastest ways to level up in Marvel's Avengers and get some valuable EXP.
Since its release, Marvel's Avengers has been going strong and there is no indication that it will slow down. With consistent fixes and new playable characters on the horizon, these hard-earned levels are likely to skyrocket with the addition of new features and heroes.