The Elder Scrolls Online Champion Points 2.0
Champion Points 2.0 works similarly to the existing CP system in The Elder Scrolls Online. You will still earn points by accumulating experience after level 50, and they are always divided into three categories. You'll continue to award your Star Champion Points within a constellation to unlock passive stat boosts, and the amount of CP you can earn and invest will be capped. The basics of the champion point system don't change in Update 29, but the constellations and stars inside are a departure from the CP system currently in The Elder Scrolls Online. Let's summarize the most important changes in an easy-to-read format:
- There are three categories of constellations left, but there are only un constellation for each instead of three.
- Green is now Arts and crafts, Blue is War, and red is Aptitude.
- craft features passives that boost trading, crafting, gathering, stealth, and theft.
- War is to increase damage and healing.
- Aptitude passives boost evasion, block, regeneration, and overall defense.
- Stats increases are no longer earned with each point invested, but by crossing certain point thresholds.
- There is a uniform increase at each threshold, which means that there is no diminishing return on the points invested.
- Each liability has a CP cap.
- The liabilities are aligned in the constellation in such a way that some are blocked until you invest points in a previous liability.
- Think about the constellations of Skyrim.
- There is " active»Passives that must be equipped.
- Each constellation can have four slits at a time.
- The replacement of passive assets is free.
That's still a lot to take, so let me explain Champion Points 2.0 in a bit more detail. In Update 29, the nine existing constellations that you empty CP into will be compressed into three. They will always be separated into three categories and you will continue to switch between them as you earn Champion Points while playing The Elder Scrolls Online. Since there are only three constellations in Champion Points 2.0, it's easier to understand the benefits that each offers.
The Green - Craft - provides upgrades to crafting, collecting, and trading, though it does feature stealth and theft-focused passives. The Blue Warfare constellation in Update 29 will house the majority of damage and healing boosting passives, while the Red Fitness constellation will increase health, regeneration, evasion, and other more tanker stats. In other words, Warfare is for damage dealers and healers, and physical form is for tanks, although all three roles have passives each. It's just easier to analyze the passives that benefit your build in The Elder Scrolls Online now.
We'll continue to earn and dump Champion Points into these constellations once Update 29 goes live, but instead of gaining a small stat boost that decreases with each point invested, we'll have to clear some thresholds from it instead. points. For example, Tumbling in the Fitness tree reduces the cost of Dodge Rolling by 120 Stamina per stage. There are four stages in total in Tumbling, each reaching 15 CP thresholds up to a cap of 60 (passives now have hard caps). So at 15 CP invested my Dodge Roll will cost 120 Stamina less, but if I invest 60 CP my Dodge Roll will cost 480 Stamina less.
This change should make it easier to understand builds and champion point investments in The Elder Scrolls Online. That said, not all of a constellation's liabilities can be invested right off the bat. Love the stars in a real constellation, each passive is linked to another, and you will need to invest a small amount in some to unlock a better and more powerful passive deeper in the constellation.
There are now also “active” passives, which must be inserted into one of the four nodes assigned to this constellation. This means that you can have four Active Craft, Warfare, and Fitness passives each. These active passives are easy to identify within a constellation: yellow stars are standard passives, while active passives glow the same color as the tree they are in (red stars for fitness, etc. ). You can have more than four active passives in a constellation unlocked at a time, but you can only have four equipped. These can be exchanged without penalty.
There are two final points I want to address before concluding this explanation of Champion Points 2.0. First, the CP cap in The Elder Scrolls Online will be increased to 3600 (instead of the current cap of 810), and the experience curve will be adjusted to speed up champion point gain when Update 29 to arrive at. Finally, there are currently two “sub-constellations” in the War Tree. Selecting these purple stars will magnify the screen to a smaller constellation in the parental constellation, both featuring a handful of active and standard passives with a specific theme. Zenimax has stated that they intend to use these sub-constellations to further develop Champion Points 2.0 as The Elder Scrolls Online ages, and the CP cap will increase as needed to support them.
That's the long and long term about The Elder Scrolls Online 2.0 Champion Points in Update 29. You can download the PTS right now on PC from the regular Elder Scrolls Online launcher if you want to see the changes by yourself. Remember that the PTS is a test environment and you are encouraged to provide feedback (in the forums linked here). There are a few bugs and issues with Champion Points 2.0 right now in patch v6.3.0, but so far it seems like a solid improvement over the existing CP system. Champion Points 2.0 will arrive in The Elder Scrolls Online (live) when Update 29 is released in March. The next chapter, Blackwood, releases June 1 for PC and June 8 for consoles, and you can find out all about the different editions on sale here.