The Tiara's Weather Nodes appear during Umbral Storms.
As you float around the new gatherer-centric tiara in Final Fantasy XIV, pay attention to the color of the sky. When it changes from a hazy blue to a light pulse of color, an umbrella storm has started. The weather icon on the minimap will also tell you when this is happening, and by highlighting it you will tell which storm it is. However, you can easily see it by the color of the sky. Red stands for Ombrel Flare, Green is Umbral Tempest, Purple is Umbral Levin and Yellow is Umbral Duststorm.
During each, a rare material will appear, and depending on the storm, it will determine which Gathering Class can collect it. Umbral Flare and Umbral Levin rugs are for miners, and Umbral Tempest and Umbral Duststorm rugs are for botanists. These are level 80 gathering nodes, so unless your miner or botanist has reached at least level 70, you won't be able to collect them. You'll want to be at max level if you want to maximize your transport.
These rugs will appear in one place, much like the untouched and legendary timed materials of the ordinary world. The Truth of the Forests and the Truth of the Mountains reveal their location when they appear. They cannot be collected as collectibles and they are not top quality, so focus on increasing your yield as much as possible. Bountiful Yield and Bountiful Harvest are great for this, as are Blessed Harvest and Blessed Yield. These materials are intended for expert craftsmen in Ishgardian restoration, so they will be in high demand.
For those who want the coordinates of the card for each one, they are the following:
- Umbral Flarestone from Umbral Flares
- X: 12,9 Y: 9,7
- Shady Wind Shadowstorm Wood Log
- X: 9,5 Y: 30,3
- Umbral Levinshard by Umbral Levins
- X: 33,9 Y: 13,2
- Umbrella Duststorm Earthcap
- X: 29,4 Y: 33,1