Thanks to BOT on Telegram it is easy to carry out many operations, which go far beyond the simple sending of messages. All, without installing external applications. The bot that I have chosen offers the possibility of transforming any document into PDF, simply by sending it to him.
To PDF: the essential bot for productivity
The panorama of the robots that populate Telegram is incredibly vast and can be easily divided by vocation. You can have fun, you can meet new people and - of course - it is possible increase your productivity.
"To PDF"aims precisely at this: to help the user in the transformation of documents (with various extensions) into PDF ready to share. The supported formats are several:
- .doc;
- .docx;
- .ppt;
- .pptx;
- .odt;
- .txt;
- .jpg.
Therefore, the photographs that we take with the smartphone or receive from our contacts are also supported. Furthermore, by sending a ready-made PDF to the BOT, it will return it to us in JPG format.
To PDF: its operation is incredibly intuitive
To use the BOT, the only requirement is to have a active Telegram account. Starting it is very simple, just open it (you can find it directly at this link) and send it the document we want to transform into PDF. After a few seconds, we will receive a message with the attachment that interests us. At this point, the document is ready to be shared in the way we prefer and - of course - on any platform.
The biggest advantage of "To PDF" is that we will not have to install any applications Outdoor, saving storage space on your smartphone and avoiding weigh down the terminal.
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