Among Whatsapp that we use most every day certainly include those dedicated to the management of e-mail. Just like messaging services, the email applications have evolved by introducing new features, adapting to all possible needs: from customization to multi-user options, passing through the latest support for artificial intelligence.
Over the years, digital stores have welcomed dozens of apps of this kind, but which are the best applications for managing your mailbox? Our editorial team has selected five of the most popular apps available on devices Android e iOS.
Most importantly: the best email apps they are all free. Let's find out together!
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to Google it is probably one of the most used email services in the world. In both its web and app versions, gmail offers various features with which to monitor incoming and outgoing emails, but does not give up more advanced features with which to improve the experiences of its loyal users. One of the most interesting features recently added is the ability to schedule the sending of a message.
The mobile application is pre-installed on most Android devices and can also be downloaded on iPhone and iPad. Here Gmail offers the multiple account management and related notifications, also allowing us to synchronize other IMAP / POP email addresses. Received emails are automatically filtered in the case of social and spam messages and it is possible to create specific folders, for a clearer and cleaner interface.
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The latest version of the app gmail has recently introduced AI support, thanks to which we will be notified only of the most important emails. In any case, the unmistakable Material Design of the Grande G.

Spark is an e-mail client born with two different purposes. The first is to improve the management of personal emails, while the second is to provide teams with a collaborative tool that can speed up the work of the entire team.
But how does it work? Let's start with the personal version, available for free on Android and iOS devices but also on Windows and Mac. Once installed, you can add any email address. Spark indeed is compatible with Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, iCloud, Outlook and many others.
This client integrates a number of particularly useful functions. First of all it puts at your disposal Smart Inbox, a tool that offers you the most important emails, overshadowing less relevant newsletters, updates or notifications. Secondly we have research based on natural language. This means that instead of thinking of strange formulas, just ask Spark what you need. A few examples? You can write "attachments from Sara" to find all emails with an attachment sent by your friend Sara. Or you can write "link sent yesterday by Mauro" to find the link that your colleague gave you the day before.
There is also the possibility of postpone emails that you can't manage right now, that of adding a signature or setting a reminder.
For teams, it also exists Spark for Teams. In fact, the client allows you to create a group with which to share emails and drafts. You can also comment on a message in real time, exchange attachments, write an email with a colleague or assign a message to another team member, complete with deadlines, notifications and progress monitoring.
Spark is totally free in its basic version. The latter allows you to take advantage of 5 GB of storage space, supports simultaneous processing with up to 2 active collaborators and includes 5 email templates per team. If you want something more, you can switch to the paid version which costs $ 6,39 per user.

After Google it's up to Microsoft propose your e-mail solution. We could not tell you about Outlook, one of the longest-lived clients ever, also landed on mobile with an app complete with all the necessary features.
The smartphone application guarantees efficient management of your mailbox, supported by a brilliant system that will automatically synchronize your mailbox with the calendar and phone contacts: the result is a 360 degree control of your daily activities. Here, too, there is no lack of customization options and folders for collecting the most important emails.
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Peculiarities of Outlook is its wide compatibility with other services: in addition to Gmail, Yahoo Mail and iCloud email addresses, the app will support Exchange e Office 365.

If you would prefer a new and, at the same time, reliable service to Gmail and Outlook, MyMail is one of the best alternatives on smartphones. The app will stand out from the crowd for a user friendly design and unrivaled security system.
Its intuitive interface will allow the user to synchronize their e-mail address in a simple and immediate way. MyMail in fact, it supports all the main email clients: from Hotmail and Yahoo, passing through the aforementioned Gmail and Outlook. To access the mailbox you will not need a password, but a unique code received on the phone via SMS at the time of registration; an unusual solution, but which, combined with data encryption, will guarantee an even higher level of protection.
All this is completed by the numerous customization options, including the ability to assign avatars to each contact, email filters and notification settings.

Our Top 5 ends with TypeApp, an application that is experiencing considerable success on mobile devices, thanks to the amount of features introduced in it and the ability to automatically synchronize any type of email provider.
TypeApp thus offers us a single, convenient interface from which to read all the e-mail messages received on our different addresses. Also present here is an option for the “smart” categorization of emails, this time based on so-called clusters: these will recognize the messages of automated services (feed, social, newsletter) and will allow us to apply group actions and silence certain notifications.
We also find an impressive level of customization, which starts from the interface themes - with the 'Day' and 'Night' modes - up to the same notifications, passing through the signatures associated with each of our accounts.