Whether it's working hard to unlock a secret Black Jack cameo or diving into the ocean to catch quivering monster crabs to decorate your healthy island, the weirdness is both understated and mind-boggling. Maybe the internet has completely poisoned our souls in 2020 and we are trapped laughing at the smallest nonsense of all time - but I can't stop laughing at my top 10 picks for the strangest. to be unlocked in 2020.

Jack Black Is Our New Officer Dick [[]
is exactly the remake we needed - a nice package that includes everything you would need from the original games, and enhances them just enough to remind you how good those games were. And they could be extremely wacky - we all knew Agent Dick would return as a secret character, but who would have guessed that Jack Black would be the man to bring the parody cop to life?
Officer Dick is unlocked by completing all of the Skater Challenges created in the game. It's no small feat, so hiding a celebrity cameo is probably the most surprising thing to unlock this year. The mere fact that Jack Black lends his face and voice to Officer Dick makes this path weirder than the game's second unlockable skater - a Roswell Alien from the outside.

DOOMicorn skin [[]
We've already talked about the cool gun that you can unlock - a weapon that comes from specifically. Both of these facts are inherently weird, but the absolute weirdest bonus unlocking in just has to be the DOOMicorn skin. He's the Doomguy but he's a frilly pink unicorn.
There are TOYS from the Doomicorn skin. It's not your average skin, and fans could unlock it by connecting their Bethesda.net account to a Twitch Prime sub. This makes the DOOMicorn basically free. Sorta.