Unlock the Theater Mechanicus mini-game in Genshin Impact by completing “The Origin of the Lanterns”, then the quest “Liyue: Theater Mechanicus”.
The Theater Mechanicus minigame in Genshin Impact is part of the Lantern Rite global event, so to access it you need to unlock the event first. To do this, you must be at Rank 23 in the Adventure, have completed Act XNUMX of Liyue's Story, and completed the new Xiao Story Quest. you can accept the actual quest that unlocks the Lantern Rite event in Genshin Impact. It's a task to accomplish, and it will take completely caught players a few hours to knock out both the Xiao quest and Lantern Rite. A full description on how to unlock the Lantern Rite event can be found in our guide here.
Once you have completed "The Origin of the Lanterns" you will have access to all of the Lantern Rite event activities, once you have completed quests of course. The Theater Mechanicus quest - "Liyue: Theater Mechanicus" - can be started by speaking to Ruijin in Liyue Harbor (she is near where you completed "Origin of the Lanterns"). This quest is simply a tutorial for Theater Mechanicus, and completing the trial will unlock full access to the minigame in Genshin Impact.
You will need to spend one Xiao Lantern per Theater Mechanicus attempt after the try, and it will be consumed whether you pass or fail. However, they are quite easy to craft which you can read in our guide here. Clearing the challenges of Theater Mechanicus is the only way to earn the Lantern Rite event currency, Peace Talismans, so if you want to grab a free “Stand By Me” character and all the items from the Market Event Shop Xiao, you will have to spend some time in the new activity.
Fortunately, it's pretty straightforward to figure out, and it doesn't take too long to troubleshoot. It's only been a few hours since the Lantern Rite went live (at least as of publication), and I've already hit my max level for the day's towers, capped the upgrade currency, and done. all challenges of Theater Mechanicus which can currently be cleared in Genshin Impact. Each day a new difficulty will become available and, in fact, more challenges can be completed, so check in every day if you only want to spend as little time as possible in the new Genshin Impact activity.