Star Wars Squadrons Update 4.0 patch notes
This latest patch for Star Wars Squadrons is a free content update that adds B-Wing and Tie Defender into the mix for the respective sides of the game, as well as a new battleground known as Fostar Haven. . That's far from all, with full patch notes available below and on the Star Wars Squadrons website.
- Added custom games and a server browser, available in the Multiplayer & Practice menu
- Adjusted the skill ranking requirements for each level via a server side change last week (see below for details)
- Updated skill rating gain / loss ratios to better reflect each player's performance in a match via a server side change last week
- Ongoing server-side matchmaking improvements
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash if the player did not skip a match exit screens
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash when loading into Fostar Haven
- Fixed an issue where lighting quality set to Low could create intense flashes of light on Fostar Haven
- Fixed an issue where AI in multiplayer could sometimes not inflict any hull damage to players with their primary weapons
- Fixed or improved cases of incorrect collision detection on Fostar Haven, Galitan, Esseles, Nadiri Dockyards, Zavian Abyss and Sissubo
- Fixed an issue where the interior of the TIE Interceptor could disappear after respawning
- Fixed an issue where Star Destroyer's VFX engine could flicker
- Fixed an issue where PlayStation 5 visuals appeared blurry.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes players could not see their own stats on the Career page
- Added support for TrackIR on PC
- Improved the way the game detects and handles device input under the same device name
- Fixed an issue where the game would not detect all input devices if more than one was connected
- Fixed an issue where PC users with more than 5 input devices were unable to adjust device order in some cases
- Added controller rumble for Ion Cannon, Assault Shield and Beam Cannon
- Fixed an issue where the mini-stick input on Hori HOTAS for Xbox One was not working properly
- Added option to toggle game controllers between dynamic (default) and static throttle. This option can be used to correct the behavior of the throttle on some input devices, like the Hori HOTAS for PS4.
Cosmetic personalization
- Added new cosmetics that will be deployed over time during in-game events and operations
- Improved lighting for dashboard figures if needed
- Fixed an issue where a hole in the shape of an Astromech could appear in the UI decorative elements around the "Mighty Ally" X-wing skin
Fleet battles
- Fixed an issue where sometimes no indicator would display after destroying a Capital Ship
- Reduced the maximum waiting time in the briefing room from 120 seconds to 90 seconds
- Fixed an issue where Titan One could have a hologram effect on their legs in the Briefing Room
- Fixed an issue where there was no UI indicator on some New Republic squadrons created
- Friends will now display alphabetically for ease of use
- Improved friend list load time for players with many friends
- Fixed an issue where all players could appear as the same in the intro cutscene
Starfighters and components
- Addition of the B-wing to the New Republic fleet
- Heavy Gunship playstyle, rear line fighter
- Low maneuverability, relies on thrust / drift to move and turn efficiently
- High durability and production of primary damage, explosive damage to capital ships and built-in ion cannons
- Depends on support / allies to reach capital ships and survive while dealing damage
- Great for staying behind behind fighters / interceptors and pulling heavy fire at enemy ships
- Single component: ion beam
- Inflicts enormous ionic damage to shields and subsystems of capital ships
- Single component: gyro / auxiliary control module
- Allows gyroscopic cockpit roll while holding down the auxiliary button, spinning the entire vessel around your cockpit. The angle of the wing determines the angle of release of the bomb. Missile evasion is also increased when the gyro roll is in motion.
- Also increases the number of ammunition for auxiliaries that use ammunition; otherwise, improve the auxiliary recharge rate.
- Added TIE Defender to the Imperial Navy
- Highly adaptable anti-starfighter specialist, front and middle line fighter
- High survivability with strong shields but very sensitive to ionic weapons
- Requires frequent and skillful power management and the use of boost / drift for ideal performance; poor diet management can be detrimental
- Single component: advanced power system
- Gives an instantaneous and significant overload to the system with maximum power. If no system has maximum power, gives lower overload on all systems.
- Deployable turrets (standard and rocket) now display their DPS.
- Fixed an issue where a rocket could have no effect on impact
- We have updated the description of the Deployable Turret to be clearer on how it works in the game
- Fixed an issue where there could be no reload sound effects for components
- Tactical Shield and Emergency Shield are now displayed on the Targeting Computer around Starfighter in New Republic ships (already present for Imperial fighters) instead of the Status Indicator for comparison side by side between temporary shield and regular shields when cycling by allies or enemies
- Reduced A-wing shield regeneration rate by roughly 1/3
- The rotating cannon no longer consumes laser energy while winding
- Fixed an issue where the movement of a Starfighter could become jerky when firing the Rotary Cannon
- Reduced the movement speed of ion missiles from 400 m / s to 240 m / s to align with other missiles
- Fixed an issue where players could exploit the Power Converter penalties and reset them when setting Power Management to Balanced
- Players now take + 50% damage if hit while charging the Explosion Cannon to enhance its role as a "pursuit" weapon rather than a "joust" weapon
- Improved clarity of visual effects when the explosion cannon is fully charged
- Fixed an issue where the VFX beam could disappear if the player repeatedly pressed the button
- Fixed an issue where the disabled starfighter effects would not display correctly in the U-Wing
- Fixed an issue where Starhunters could achieve a negative spin rate
- Increased the armor-piercing torpedo's internal explosion radius from 2 to 14 to allow it to deal more consistent damage.
- Fixed an issue where the game could load endlessly at the end of Mission 1
- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from progressing beyond the "Follow Gunny" objective in Mission 1
- Fixed an issue where the drift tutorial could not be completed with arrow keys on PC in Mission 3.
- Individual rank scale sublevels now display their SR requirements
- Fixed an issue where the defeated player's username was displayed very small in the kill cam
- Fixed an issue where text would display inconsistently as shown when it shouldn't
- Fixed an issue where the prompt to leave the briefing room could continue in the cutscene and intro game
- The VR "Recenter HMD" entry is now correctly displayed on the PC controls screen
- Added some new loading screen tips related to new content.
- Fixed an issue where ships could appear midway through Hangar Entry / Exit cutscenes while playing in VR
- Fixed an issue where doubled images could occur when tracking points in PSVR while rotating the in-game camera.
- Fixed an issue where the player could charge into Esseles instead of Fostar Haven when playing against the AI.
Star Wars: Squadrons - Free Content Update Trailer