Image via Electronic Arts
Star Wars: Squadrons is the space air combat game in the universe that we dreamed of. EA Motive's first-person shooter title features a single player campaign and multiplayer mode, and support for the game will continue long after its release date.
With all of that in mind, the Star Wars: Squadrons trophy list incorporates both play modes into its run. There are 48 trophies up for grabs, eight of which are campaign-related spoilers. At the time of writing this article, we do not know what these hidden trophies are.
Once the game launches on October 2, we'll update this guide with these spoiler trophies. You'll find them at the bottom of this article, so people who don't want it spoiled won't see these trophies until they play Squadrons. In the meantime, here are the 40 other trophies that we know of.
Platinum Trophy
- Platinum Pilot - Won all trophies in Star Wars: Squadrons
Gold trophies
- The best of the galaxy (Ace) - Complete the campaign on Ace difficulty
- The ultimate alarm - Destroy 1000 Starfighters during Dogfight matches
Silver trophies
- Best of the Galaxy (Veteran) - Complete the campaign on Veteran difficulty
- Special modifications - Acquisition of 50 components for your Starfighters
- Seasoned Star Pilot - Pilot level reached 40
- Great Shot, Kid - Deal the final blow to the enemy's flagship in a fleet battle
- I know some maneuvers - Destroy 10 Starfighters while drifting in Dogfight mode
- Through the stars - Won a Ranked Fleet Battle match on each map
- Mission accomplished - Won all history mission medals
- Fully decorated - Won all history medals on any difficulty
- The unstoppable - Destroy 250 Starfighters during Dogfight matches
Bronze trophies
- The best of the galaxy (pilot) - Completed the campaign on Pilot difficulty
- Best of the Galaxy (Story Mode) - Complete the campaign in Story Mode on difficulty
- Dressed for the job you want - Equip your pilot with his first legendary cosmetic
- A Starfighter of yours - Acquisition of your first Starfighter component
- A better idea - Changed the preset loading of a Starfighter in multiplayer
- A promising career - Pilot level reached 10
- Victory of the New Republic - Won 10 Ranked Fleet Battles as New Republic
- Victory for the Empire - Won 10 Ranked Fleet Battles with the Empire
- Heavy hitter - Dropped 50 bombs to damage the hulls of capital ships in several fleeing Ranked Battles
- Start the ceremony - Won your first prize
- Find your place - Completed your ranked placement matches
- I got you now - Won 15 Dogfight matches
- Stay on target - Won 15 co-op fleet battles against AI
- Stronger together - Won any match while playing in a group
- Stun 'Em - Disabled the same player five times in a match
- Solid strategy - Destroy your first subsystem
- Sans peur - Destroy an enemy while your hull integrity was 5% or less
- Back from the abyss - Return to the hangar with less than 5% hull integrity
- Happy trigger - Deal over 50000 laser damage in a single match
- Squadron Hunter - Destroy four of each Starfighter class in Dogfight matches
- Indestructible - Dodge or counter five lock-ons in a row in a single match
- The trap is set - Damaged five enemies with Seeker Mines in a single match
- Shallow falls - Use Tactical Shields or Supply Droids to save allies near death 10 times in Ranked Fleet matches
- I have them - Destroy a disabled Starfighter 10 times during multiple Dogfight matches
- Refuse - Shoot down 30 missiles, bombs or mines in Ranked Fleet matches
- Fracture at Fostar Haven - Finished the prologue
- Combat pilot - Destroy 50 Starfighters during Dogfight matches
- Trampled - Won a Fleet Battle vs AI match with both capital ships and your flagship intact