When you have the opportunity to get to Dathomir, do so.
After the first chapter, you'll find your next story objective on Zeffo, but Cere will suggest stopping by Dathomir's if you're feeling on fire. While it can be tempting to stay on the main path, opting for Dathomir before Zeffo not only provides great early game experience, but will also reward you with the Double Bladed Lightsaber eight hours earlier than intended. following the story.
The problem is, Dathomir is difficult. The spiders there will spit venom out as they squeeze you, and the Nightbrothers will pose a challenge to players who are still unsure which end of the lightsaber they are supposed to stab the bad guys at. You're also heading there without any of the major Cal Force powers, so you won't progress very far on the planet.
Go up to the main area, use the wall on some yellow painted walls to sneak up. Follow the path through a stone bridge with a spooky effigy and a cutscene will play. After dealing with the Nightbrothers, follow the path that crosses a ravine and go up the stairs to the right. Follow this path until you come out to the other side of the locked door you encountered above the stairs.
From there you will see a path that goes up and one that goes down. Follow the path to find a workbench that, when interacting, will grant Cal the Double-Bladed Lightsaber. From there it is safe to leave Dathomir: you will need the three major powers of the Force to continue exploring the planet. You can then return to the main path at this point.
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