Some of these methods require a lot of luck, while others will appear at every step. Neither of these methods will cause traders to attack you either - this is something we all try to avoid for long term trading. In the short term this is a good strategy, but if you want to survive for a long time it is a very dangerous proposition. So we take a safer route this time.
For all the wacky and weird methods to generate tons of cash, check out the guide below. We will add more lucrative methods as they are discovered.
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Secret ways to earn tons of gold
The golden poo monkey: Deliver a Caveman and a Gold Statue Head to a Kali Statue to get a Gold Monkey. This monkey doesn't attack - it follows you and poops gold!
The Pot O 'Gold: Defeat a sprite to spawn a 4-leaf clover. Grab it and search for the map - if you can find the rainbow marker on the map, bomb / dig the area to reveal a pot of gold. Hit the pot to generate up to 10 gold! Leprechauns begin to appear in the biome 2 L et 2R.
The all-seeing eye of the treasure: Collect the Eye of Udjat in the house (first area) - look for a gold key to unlock the chest. This allows you to see all the treasures hidden in the environment.
Cursed pots: Crush vases with ghost faces to earn 5 coins. It summons a ghost instantly - you can pick up the pot and throw it to curse enemies!
Turkey Lords: In the accommodation you will sometimes find Lords of Turkey. These wrestlers want you to bring two lost turkeys to their pen. Put all three in the pen and you will get a key to a treasure room. It's not much, but if you have the time and the turkeys, it's worth doing.
The city of gold: The legendary City of Gold is where you'll find a truly insane amount of money. Everything is gold! Reaching it is difficult - the golden door appears in 4-2, but you will need two specific items to unlock it. Well, actually four.
- Collect the Eye of Udjat from the chest. The key and the chest appear in 1-2 or 1-3.
- Use the Udjat Eye to find the secret entrance to the black market in the jungle. The black market gate spawns in 2-2, 2-3, or 2-4. When you are close, the Udjat eye blinks and then shines.
- Go to the black market and buy the Hedjet.
- Continue until the Olmec boss fight. Reach the bottom of his lair and enter a cave. Follow the caves to the top to reach the Ankh.
- Enter the Temple of Anubis from the Olmec lair. In 4-1, defeat Anubis to recover his scepter.
- Use the Scepter and the Hedjet to open the door to the City of Gold in 4-2.
Quite complicated? This is the quickest explanation and it still takes a lot of work. If you are good enough, you can reach the City of Gold and reap the rewards.