After years of waiting spasmodically, Soul Calibur VI is finally among us. The Bandai Namco series has returned to our gaming platforms with a sixth installment that promises to be a spectacle. The character roster has definitely been updated with "guest wrestlers" of the calibre of Geralt di Rivia, straight out of The Witcher saga; but don't worry: none of the more iconic fighters from previous chapters will be missing. The main feature of Soul Calibur is the white weapon combat. Unlike other fighters, which involve martial arts-based clashes with more or less articulated combos, in Soul Calibur you can also exploit weapons of various kinds: from medieval swords to katanas, from tonfa to nunchaku, and the list is still long. If you're already on the hunt for the various achievements in the game, consult this trophy guide to easily get to the platinum trophy.
Before continuing, we need to make one necessary premise: THE GUIDE TO TROPHIES OF Soul Calibur VI CONTAINS SPOILER! Continue reading further at your own "risk".
Soul Calibur VI Some preliminary advice
Let's start immediately by saying that it Soul Calibur VI includes 49 trophies, 36 of which are bronze, 10 silver, 2 gold and the inevitable platinum trophy. Of the achievements now listed, 7 of them will be for the game's online multiplayer. The difficulty to obtain the platinum trophy is quite high, and it will take about 50 hours of gameplay to unlock all the achievements. The main difficulty will not lie in the development of the Story Mode, nor the stories of individual characters, but in the completion of the game mode called Soul Balance. In particular, there will be two enemies particularly difficult to beat: a Level 55 Azwel and a Level 60 Groh. Both of these fighters will be able to both block and counter your attacks, but also to read in advance your moves, predicting and neutralizing your attack strategies.
One trick that has proved successful, especially with Groh, is to spam the same technique over and over again. However, always pay close attention: the damage inflicted by Azwel and Groh will be very large, and even the most experienced players will find themselves in trouble in these two fights.
In addition, to grab the platinum trophy Soul Calibur VI , you will have to complete 30 missions regarding the "Closing of the Astral Cracks". What may seem like a piece of cake will prove to be a rather difficult task. In these missions you will be called to defeat, in the online multiplayer of the fighter, characters who, however, will be assigned perks. These advantages may not move the needle of the scales as much, but they will make your life very complicated. For a more accurate explanation, we refer you to the description of the trophy in question.
Soul Calibur VI All the steps to get to the platinum trophy

In the first instance, every self-respecting fighter will take some time to master the mechanics of the game. Precisely for this reason, we recommend that you practice in Training Mode and launch yourself headlong into Story Mode and the completion of the Stories of the various characters. In this way, you can try out practically every fighter available in Soul Calibur VI the game and find out which ones suit your style of play best.
Immediately after that, you'll have to test yourself with Arcade Mode and the game's online multiplayer. In the first case, to get the trophy, you'll have to complete the Arcade Mode with a Gold rating, which can only be obtained by winning all the fights at the very difficult level. In the second case, instead, you'll have to face other players in the online multiplayer, participating in at least 50 matches and winning at least 10. Unlike previous chapters of the series, this time the grinding is really very limited.
However, we anticipate that you will spend most of your time in the game mode "Soul Scales". There will be a main story, as well as a side mission, which will unlock on the game world map. You'll be able to walk along the map following the road traced by the game, or you can use the quick travel function to reach missions located in the most distant areas. Be aware, however, that you can be attacked by enemies encountered by chance, when you make quick trips. The plot itself is rather difficult in its final bars, and the grinding phase will take you about 20-30 hours to complete all the trophies this mode has to offer. However, once you complete this game mode, you'll be very close to the platinum trophy of Soul Calibur VI .
Soul Calibur VI - Trophies Guide
Critically acclaimed
Score 20 Critical Blades (outside Training Mode).
This trophy does not need much explanation. You only need to press the R2 button to set a critical Blade. Make this shot 20 times, outside of Training Mode, and the trophy is yours.
The vibrations of a soul
Complete the mission "The Astral Slit" in Libra of the Soul.
You will automatically unlock this trophy by playing the "Soul Balance" mode. It will be virtually impossible to miss.
Their names will live forever
Complete the story of 10 characters in The Chronicles of the Soul (only characters from the basic game).
In the game mode "The Chronicles of the Soul", beyond the main story, you can retrace the stories of individual characters. Complete ten of them to get the trophy in question.
The birth of a hero
Fight 10 games online with a character made in Character Creation.
Again, there is not much to add to the trophy description. All you need to do is to create a character in the "Character Creation" mode, face 10 matches online, and the achievement in question will be yours.
The call of the battlefield
Fight 30 duels online.
As anticipated by the description, you only have to take part (not necessarily win) in thirty matches in online multiplayer to Soul Calibur VI take home the trophy.
Chosen Warrior
Complete the story of a character in The Chronicles of the Soul (basic game characters only).
In the game mode "The Chronicles of the Soul", beyond the main story, you can retrace the stories of the individual characters. Complete one of them to get the trophy in question.
You get 15 perfect wins (out of Training Mode).
A perfect victory is to win a fight without suffering any damage from your opponent. You get fifteen victories without any decrease in your health bar and the trophy will be yours.
A question of impact
Score 20 reactive guards (outside Training Mode).
The Reactive Guards, to be precise, is the way Soul Calibur VI he renamed the parries. To make one, all you have to do is press the
; repeat the action now described twenty times and you will have achieved the achievement in question.
Lethal Accuracy
Score 10 kill shots (out of Training Mode).
To get the chance to deal a fatal blow, all you have to do is start a fight by pressing the R1 button. In this way, you'll activate a "mini game" very similar to the classic "Paper, Rock and Scissor", and you'll have to finish it with a draw. In the next round, the winning fighter will have the chance to make a kill shot. Although it may seem cumbersome, getting this trophy won't be difficult at all, especially when using two different controllers.
The call of the astral fissures
Complete the "Man in Black" mission in Libra of the Soul.
You will automatically unlock this trophy by playing the "Soul Scales" mode. It will be virtually impossible to miss.
May the best (so me) win
Win 30 Inverted Cuts using A, B or K (out of Training Mode).
To get a contrast of inverted Cuts you will have to hit your opponent by pressing the R1 button. In doing so, you'll unlock a sequence not very different from the game "Paper, Rock and Scissor", which you'll have to win. Do this thirty times and you will get the trophy in question. To speed up the process, we recommend using two different controllers.
The inner power
Perform a technique 20 times in Soul Charge (outside of Training Mode).
To perform a Soul Charge, all you have to do is press the buttons
+ R2, placing yourself one meter away from your opponent. Repeat the procedure now described 20 times to achieve the achievement.
Boundary issues
Throw the opponent out of the ring 20 times (outside Training Mode).
In Soul Calibur VI , as in all the other chapters of the series, you can win the fight either by knocking your opponent out of the ring or by throwing him out of the ring. To get the trophy, all you have to do is lean for this second option, and throw your enemy out of the ring 20 times.
On the bad road
Stop 5 reactive guards/reverse guards with a breakthrough act (outside the Training Mod.).
Also this trophy will be easily obtainable with two controllers. In this case, with one of them you will have to make a breakthrough attack, by pressing the R1 +
while the other pad will have to perform a parry with the L1 key. Repeat the procedure now described five times and you are done.
An elephant in a glassworks
Destroy 5 times all of your opponent's equipment (outside Training Mode).
At this stage, there is still no safe method to destroy your opponent's equipment. Whether you hit from above, below, or sideways, all of these attacks may break the enemy's armor as much as they may not even scratch it at all. Despite what has now been said, do not worry too much: in Soul Calibur VI fact, you will face hundreds, if not thousands, of fights, and you will get the trophy in question without even realizing it.
Score 3 kill shots with Astaroth's "Rending Torment" (out of Training Mode).
In order to settle the kill shot, you'll need to press the R1 button, enter the game's "Rock, Paper and Scissor" mode and finish with a draw. In the second attempt, the winner of the match will be able to settle a death blow. Again, the best way to get the trophy will be to use two controllers. Using Astaroth, in the second round of the mini game, all you have to do is press the
in order to make a kill shot with the Rending Torment attack. Repeat the procedure now described three times and the trophy will be yours.
Every journey begins with one step
Play a classified game.
The trophy description says it all. Play (without having to win) a classified match and the trophy will be yours.
Keep an eye on the gold
Get a golden rating in Arcade mode.
To get a golden rating, you'll have to pass all the matches in Arcade mode within a certain time limit, depending on the difficulty level you are playing. To unlock this achievement, our advice is to set the difficulty level "Easy" and use Nightmare. Just spam the
and you'll win all the matches in less than 5 minutes.
The strength of collaboration
Use a mercenary in Libra of the soul.
During the main adventure in the game mode "Libra of the Soul", as soon as you reach the second city, you will be given the opportunity to hire mercenaries. These NPCs will fight for you, and may make your life easier in some fights, although in most cases they will be almost useless. As soon as you face a fight, press the "Options" button and deploy the mercenary you've hired.
A blacksmith's best friend
Improve weapons 30 times over in Soul Scales.
In the game mode "Soul Balance", as soon as you reach the third city on the game map, you will be assigned a secondary mission regarding a blacksmith. As soon as you complete it, you will have the opportunity to use the blacksmith in question to upgrade your weapons. Improve a weapon 30 times and the trophy is yours.
Never fight on an empty stomach.
Eat some food in Libra of the soul.
Also during the game mode "Libra of the Soul", you can both unlock and buy food through the merchants that you will find during your adventure. Before a fight, press the
and choose the food you want to eat. In this way, the trophy will be yours.
In the fray
Complete a secondary mission in Libra of the soul.
In the game mode "Libra of the Soul", you'll find missions whose title is marked by a Libra of the Soul". The mission marker will appear near the British Isles, with the quest titled "Footsteps: The Sorcerer. After completing this mission, the target "Fortress of Ilussion" will appear near Italy. It's not possible to confirm 100% if the target now mentioned will always be generated in the same areas, but since you'll have to go through a not insignificant grinding phase in this mode, it's almost certain that you'll come across this mission, sooner or later, without even noticing it.
Edge Master
You get 50 guns in Libra of the soul.
In "Soul Scale" game mode, you'll get a whole series of weapons by performing actions such as completing missions, whether main or secondary, but also defeating enemies. With good probability, you will reach the number of weapons required by the trophy without even realizing it. Otherwise, instead, you simply buy the weapons that you lack from the merchants, perhaps buying those more economically.
The real sword is unleashed
Complete the "End of the Journey" mission in Libra of the Soul.
You will automatically unlock this trophy by playing "Soul Balance" mode. It will be virtually impossible to miss.
Hunger for power
Enhances a weapon in Libra of the soul.
In the game mode "Soul Balance", as soon as you reach the third city on the game map, you will be assigned a secondary mission regarding a blacksmith. Once you have completed it, you will have the opportunity to use the blacksmith in question to upgrade your weapons. Upgrade a weapon once and the trophy is yours.
Local Hero
Increase by one the level of a city in Libra of the soul.
For the achievement in question, we refer you to the description of the silver trophy "Pioneer of Wellness".
The first step to greatness
Complete Arcade mode for the first time.
Again, there's not much to add: you' Soul Calibur VI ll simply have to complete the Arcade mode for the first time and the trophy will be yours.
Responsible for a mission
Complete the "Glory or Death" mission in Libra of the Soul.
You will automatically unlock this trophy by playing "Soul Balance" mode. It will be virtually impossible to miss.
Hunters become prey
Complete 30 "Closing the Astral Cracks" missions in Libra of the Soul.
The "Closing of the Astral Cracks" missions will be marked on the game map with tornado-shaped markers. In this case, all you have to do to close the Slit is defeat characters controlled by other players online. However, your opponents will benefit from some bonuses that could complicate your life, for example:
- Enemies will inflict more damage with certain attacks;
- Enemy attacks will poison your character;
- You won't be able to stun enemies with light attacks;
It goes without saying that some enemies, because of the perks now listed, will be easier to defeat than others. Based on what is now written, we strongly recommend that you think twice before spending too much time fighting the same opponent. If you think the enemy is too difficult to beat, instead of trying for hours, use the quick travel feature to progress to the "Globetrotter" trophy and perform some secondary missions. In doing so, the astral cleft will reset, giving you the chance to meet a simpler and more approachable enemy. To get the trophy in question, you'll have to defeat 30 enemies.
The battle for the world begins
Complete the "On the road" mission in Libra of the soul.
You will automatically unlock this trophy by playing "Soul Balance" mode. It will be virtually impossible to miss.
A body of steel
Reach level 50 in Soul Balance.
Although this trophy may seem long to get, there is nothing to worry about: you'll probably have comfortably reached level 99 once you finish the storyline and side quests of the "Libra of Soul" game mode.
Grand Master of Style
Defeat an Ancient in Libra of the Soul.
You'll only encounter the Ancients once you've reached the most advanced stages of the game mode "Soul Balance". The fastest way to find an Ancient is to use the quick travel feature, so you can find and perform a mission that has the word "Ancient" in its name.
The memories of those who came first
Use Soul Points to unlock 10 items in the museum.
Soul Points will be obtained through a large number of actions in Soul Calibur VI . To get the trophy in question, all you have to do is go to the museum and spend at least ten to buy goods of any kind.
Sharp blade, impeccable skills
Activate the wait and get pairing with another player while in Training mode.
To get the trophy in question, all you have to do is enter Training Mode and, immediately afterwards, access a ranked match with the standby function, which you can find when among the various options available in Training Mode.
Chasing shadows
Run Grøh's "Steed of the Night" 10 times (outside Training Mode).
You'll get the trophy in question during the first mission in Groh's personal history, where the bar of his Soul Charge will always be full. In this case, all you have to do is press the buttons
and, immediately after, press the
. This way, you'll be able to unleash Groh's "Steed of the Night" attack. Repeat the procedure 10 times and you will get the trophy; in practice, in the mission in question, it will take you about 30 seconds.
Soul Calibur VI - Trophies Guide
No adversity is too hard
Complete 10 side missions in Libra of the Soul.
In the game mode "Soul Balance", you will find missions whose title is marked by a lot to add to the description of the trophy: you only have to participate (no obligation to win) in at least 50 matches online and the trophy will be yours.
All you have to do is go up
Win 5 games of the player.
The description of the trophy leaves no room for doubt: you only have to win five duels.
Nothing is sweeter than victory
Win 5 classified games.
The description of the trophy leaves no room for doubt: you will only have to win five ranked games on online multiplayer.
The call of glory
Unlock Legendary difficulty in Arcade mode.
To unlock this difficulty level, you'll first have to complete the Arcade mode at the "Very Difficult" difficulty. You'll have at your disposal an infinite number of "Continue" and, for this very reason, you'll succeed sooner or later. To make your job easier, always try to throw your opponent out of the ring, obviously if the stage allows it.
Well-being pioneer
It brings the level of four cities to the maximum in Libra of the soul.
In Soul Calibur VI , there will only be four cities that can level up in the game mode "Soul Balance". These cities are easy to recognize, as they are the only ones that have a shop inside. To level up a certain city, you will have to complete the secondary missions available in and around them. You'll receive some missions in the city, which will then appear somewhere else on the game map, so always pay close attention. Since you have a rather long grinding phase ahead of you, we guarantee that, without even realizing it, you will have made progress in this regard. You'll notice that your city has been leveled up, since it's going to get bigger and bigger on the game map.
The real Edge Master
You get 100 guns in Libra of the soul.
In the game mode "Soul Balance", you'll get a whole range of weapons by performing actions such as completing missions, whether main or secondary, but also by defeating enemies. With good probability, you'll reach the number of weapons required by the trophy without even trying too hard. Otherwise, instead, you simply buy the weapons that you lack from merchants, perhaps buying those more economically.
Travel a total distance equal to 3 turns of the Earth during exploration (Soul Balance).
In each location you will reach, you will be able to use to explore the surrounding areas. To get the trophy in question, you will have to travel using your wagon over a distance of about 120,000 km. The game, however, will not display the distance covered in kilometers, but in leagues. To unlock the trophy, then, you'll have to travel in the game map, covering a total of about 25,000 leagues.
The warrior's rest
Complete the main story in Libra of the Soul with the balance oriented towards evil.
During the course of the game mode "Soul Scales", you will be called upon to make decisions. These choices will be marked by two flames, one blue and the other red; the blue flame will determine a "good" choice, while the red one will be synonymous with an "evil" choice. To get the trophy in question, you will have to make a whole series of "bad" choices, in order to complete the plot of the game mode with the scale indicator oriented towards the evil side. To get this trophy and the other one entitled "Farewell, desolate winter", you'll be forced to complete "Soul Scale" twice.
Goodbye, desolate winter
Complete the main story in Libra of the Soul with the balance oriented towards good.
During the course of the game mode "Soul Scale", you will be called upon to make decisions. These choices will be marked by two flames, one blue and the other red; the blue flame will determine a "good" choice, while the red one will be synonymous with a "wicked" choice. To get the trophy in question, you will have to make a whole series of "good" choices, in order to complete the plot of the game mode with the balance indicator oriented towards the evil side. To get this trophy and the other one entitled "The Warrior's Rest", you'll be forced to complete "Soul Scale" twice.
Soul Calibur VI - Guide to Trophies
A transcendent fairy tale
Complete the story of 20 characters in The Chronicles of the Soul (basic game characters only).
In the game mode "The Chronicles of the Soul", beyond the main storyline, you can relive the individually taken stories of the various fighters in Soul Calibur VI the game. To get the trophy in question, you must complete the stories of at least twenty of them. However, many of these characters won't be available immediately, but they can only be unlocked later. But don't worry too much: you won't have much trouble getting the achievement in question.
You write the story
Complete the main story of The Chronicles of the Soul.
To get this second golden trophy, you only need to complete the main story of the game mode "The Chronicles of the Soul". Luckily, skipping all the texts, you shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to succeed.
Soul Calibur VI - Trophies Guide
A new story of souls and swords
You got all the trophies.
If you've made it this far, it means you've unlocked all the other trophies in Soul Calibur VI the game. Congratulations, you just got the game's platinum trophy!