The dull beat of his heart, rhythmic, pulsating, in our hands. Then stronger and stronger, until it merges with the jolts and the fall of the aircraft on which we find ourselves unfortunately (as often happens in the opening words of several episodes of the saga). Hands on the pad, heart-pounding waiting, skyrocketing hype: in line with our anxious state in which we find ourselves, the curtain opens forlast episode of the trilogy to the (re) discovery of the origins of the archaeologist that we have learned to get to know better and whose personality is laid even more bare, literally showing its lights and shadows: here you are Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Removed the direction of Square Enix, fully returned to Eidos-Montréal, that of the very first chapters that gave birth to the British heroine, alongside Crystal Dynamics e Nixxes, we are no longer in the skin of curiosity to try this umpteenth chapter, available on Xbox One, Ps4 and Steam from the September 14.
We are Cozumel, Mexico, where we immediately deal with puzzles, riddles to be solved through animated sequences that give prominence right away to Lara's identity, especially in conversations with your trusted partner Jonah. Following the stars, deciphering the photos taken by the archaeologist, we can find ourselves in Perù, passing from Amazon rainforest.
From the 2013 reboot onwards, we've seen Lara evolve from a young inexperienced girl to a consummate and skilled adventurer. Along the way, the archaeologist has honed her skills as a hunter and explorer to survive; she has learned to fight and defend herself against the most difficult enemies, also juggling her in her favorite activity: explore tombs. Lara is now more expert than ever: we will be able to beat the prey by planning her attacks and then hit and vanish with the speed of a jaguar, being even more skilled in hunting, in recovering materials and in the manufacture of objects. About her Yours dexterity in overcoming obstacles it is truly unmatched and knows how to move with agility along precipices, in the jungle and even under water. Another great evolution is represented by tombs that Lara will discover, bigger, more challenging and deadly than ever.
To get the coveted prize you will have to avoid deadly traps, fend off relentless enemies and use his intelligence to solve puzzles and juggle the most treacherous environments. Among these the vivid stands out and stands out fictional town of Paititi, immersed in the jungles of South America and representing the greatest center of the entire series, putting in our hands an adventure that honors the tradition of the series and the origins of the character, giving us the opportunity to guide Lara to the turning point of its existence, without neglecting her past, her childhood memories and a brief return to Croft Manor.
Let's go back to the native land par excellence of the young woman's adventures, a choice perhaps not by chance, considering that in this work there is the collaboration of Eidos who makes a clear contribution to a partial return to the dawn. But we are dealing with a young Croft, more launched than ever, almost on the verge of disarray, without the fear and fears of the previous chapters, while remaining a little younger than the same adventures narrated at the end of the nineties. It embodies the true exploratory spirit, with that little bit of recklessness that doesn't hurt, but staying fixed on the target and juggling many different weapons. This is Lara Croft today, between brilliant brilliance of quicksilver that pushes her to do the impossible e the darkness of his fears and fears, often hidden but not too much, which stretches to the horizon.
Cinematic action
So what awaits us in the game phase? A myriad of spectacular scenery, a riot of vegetation that hides among its thick foliage entrances to tombs, crypts, treasures to start a series of secondary missions, short but intense, as well as more or less ferocious animals, with which we will play who will be the prey and who the predator. Without forgetting of course South American temples and pyramids, the real nerve center of the junction of the ranks of this classic story, but revisited in a spectacular way, thanks to the construction of a gameplay supported by a well-rounded graphics and a corollary of options that we are going to rattle off along the way.
Action, first of all: a little slow in the bud, but this delay will be amply rewarded by a fast-paced, well-balanced succession of game moments and pauses given by animated sequences that will make us breathe a sigh of relief and take a break. Between these, there won't be many interactive cut-scenes, giving much more importance to the freedom of movement and action in the game, which allows a considerable exploratory ability.
The planning of the trip to Peru, once again theplane crash, once again Lara's father is mentioned, followed by a fall in a forest. These are therefore constants all too well known to most, with settings that are very reminiscent of some scenarios of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. The action thus becomes more and more cinematic, combining tradition of themes and technical innovation. The imprint and the style of exploration and construction of the paths is really similar to that of the first chapters, breathing the climate of mystery and high beauty of pure and intact exploration, just like about twenty years ago.
Between tombs to discover, forests to cross, a people to know and an Aboriginal culture to immerse yourself in, Lara takes us by the hand on a journey whose destination is the Trinity to stop. Reason? Always the same: treasures to contend with, natural disasters to be avoided. But will we really be spared from floods, tsunamis and earthquakes? We will feel some shock already after less than an hour of play ... So we will get on the heels of the Dr Dominguez, one of the members of the High Council, and of what remains of the Trinity, between soldiers and armed men who will set up camps for the conquest of the last treasures to grab, and preventing them from destroy the world and recreate it according to their vision.
This will be the driving force of the adventure that will allow us to explore the world under our feet far and wide. As happens in contemporary titles, now more than once even Lara Croft can roam much more widely in the game mapYes, extensive, but centered on the Peruvian and Amazonian territory. In fact, only after a short start a Cazumel, Mexico, we will throw ourselves into the heart of the adventure, alongside our faithful companion Jonah who will help us to hand down enemies and solve mysteries.
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