What does Samsung QuickDrive Ai Control WW90T986ASE / S3 do with artificial intelligence?
This is probably the first question you asked yourself.
We don't usually associate AI with a washing machine. In fact, in the common imagination household appliances do not need them. Yet the Korean giant has decided to equip this product with a new printed circuit that supports artificial intelligence. The result, however, is not an unnecessarily smart product but a washing machine that learns from the user and even adapts to climatic conditions. We talk about it in detail in this review.
As before but better than before
This is not the first time we talk about Samsung QuickDrive, so let's make an important point straight away: this isn't the same washing machine we reviewed six months ago. To explain it, however, we must make a small premise.
This year Samsung has launched a new range of washing machines which is called Ai Control and which in turn includes four different families: EcoDosatore, AddWash, UltraWash e QuickDrive.
QuickDrive therefore remains the top of the range and combines the features we illustrated some time ago with a series of features that take advantage of artificial intelligence.
This means that the new product still uses QuickDrive technology for reduce washing times by up to 50% and get an impeccable clean. More reduces energy consumption by 20% on fast cycles and takes advantage of the new double movement basket to optimize all washing phases. All this while guaranteeing the utmost delicacy and care of the garments, it is in fact certified to be up to 75% gentler on woollens **
Alongside the features that we have come to appreciate with the previous model we find a series of interesting innovations. Some are visible and evident, while others work in the background to offer you a renewed, simple and intuitive user experience.
Let's start from what is evident that is the front panel of QuickDrive Ai Control WW90T986ASE / S3. When it is off it will seem like sminimal demands: we only have the on / off button, the start / pause button and a rotating bezel. On the other hand, Samsung's washing machine comes alive. In fact you will find on the right a display that indicates which program is selected and indicates the individual parameters, parameters that you can modify using the soft touch buttons located just below the screen. This means that you can increase the spin speed, increase the temperature, decide how many rinse cycles to do and easily access the "washing options" menu.
This applies to all 23 programs available and selectable by means of the aforementioned ring nut. We point out two in particular: AI wash (or AI wash) and sanitizing steam.
The first uses the sensors inside the washing machine for automatically dose detergent, water and time and thus obtain perfect laundry. It is not a random calculation: Samsung QuickDrive Ai Control weighs the laundry through a special weight sensor and through the water and detergent sensor releases the right amount of resources for perfect laundry, without waste. In addition, it uses a fourth specific sensor that analyzes the water to measure the degree of dirt and determine if it is necessary to change any parameters or add detergent or an extra rinse phase. All this obviously to achieve the best possible result.
The second program that we particularly loved is the sanitizing steam. The washing machine in fact emits a powerful jet of steam from the bottom of the drum which is able to remove even the most stubborn dirt and eliminate 99,9% of bacteria and allergens, wrapping the garments at 360 ° and penetrating deeply into the fibers of the fabrics.
For now we have only talked about AI Washing, a first taste of what Ai Control technology can do. In reality there are other features, more or less visible, that take advantage of the artificial intelligence of this washing machine.
First of all we have theAi Menu that allows Samsung QuickDrive Ai Control WW90T986ASE / S3 to learn from your habits and be the first to propose the programs and options you use most frequently, so as to speed up washing operations.
The washing machine then communicates with you constantly. It does this by notifying you of any problems or shortcomings, such as the absence of detergent or fabric softener, but also by constantly updating you on the progress of the wash and giving you suggestions on the most suitable program through practical description captions for each cycle. In fact, the display shows you at what stage the washing cycle is and how much time is left with extreme precision.
QuickDrive can also send notifications to the smartphone via l’app SmartThings. Not only to tell you that the wash is finished but also to propose that you delay the end of a programmed cycle while you are away from home.
Finally, we come to the last two features. The first is called Ai Weather and allows the appliance to suggest the ideal program based on the external climatic conditions. The second is Smart Link and allows the washing machine to talk to a dryer, if any. The purpose? Automatically set the optimal drying program based on that of the wash just ended. Really a nice convenience.
** Intertek test vs Samsung traditional drum washing machines
Samsung QuickDrive Ai Control WW90T986ASE / S3 is controlled with an app
You can also conveniently control QuickDrive Ai Control with the aforementioned application SmartThings, available for free on both Android and iOS. If you have a Samsung smartphone, know that it is already pre-installed, so you will not have to look for it on the various stores.
But what is the app for? First of all shows you the status of the washing machine in real time, just like the integrated display does. You can also use it to plan washing or view usage statistics that report consumption divided by day, week and month.
We then have a perfect feature for the less experienced which is called Optimal Program and is based on Ai Q-Rator technology. The operation is really simple: select the clothes you need to wash, indicate if they are white, colored or dark and finally select the level of dirt. At that point SmartThings, through the Ai Q-Rator assistant, will tell you which iThe optimal program for your laundry and, if you want, you can send it to the washing machine and start the cycle with a simple tap.
Ready for the future
Finally, let's talk about consumption because yes, QuickDrive Ai Control is intelligent, guarantees surprising results and is equipped with a lot of useful and interesting features. But what about consumption? Samsung has thought of everything then has optimized the washing machine to reduce the amount of energy necessary for its operation.
The new model is though also ready for the future.
In fact, the classification system will change from 1 March 2021. The current A +++ class will thus become a D class. However, this will not make your new washing machine old. Many Ai Control models will in fact be in class A even by next year's standards and will guarantee you maximum energy efficiency, without sacrificing washing performance.
Samsung Ai Control: non solo QuickDrive
As anticipated, we have spent the last few weeks in the company of QuickDrive Ai Control WW90T986ASE/S3 which is the super top of the range of the Korean company and costs 1.499 euro. We remind you, however, that the Ai Control family also includes the UltraWash, AddWash and EcoDosatore families. This means that the models equipped with artificial intelligence are really many, ready to meet the needs of each of you. So you can find the right product, even if you have a smaller budget. Ultrawash allows washing cycles in reduced times and thanks to the Turbo + option, you choose when to put the Turbo. With AddWash, you can add detergent and garments at any time during the wash thanks to the practical porthole in the porthole. With the Ecodosatore, dosing the detergent at each wash will be child's play. Thanks to the practical automatic dispenser you will in fact fill up with detergent and you will get up to a month of washing in complete autonomy.
Speaking of costs, it is currently active a dedicated promo to those who buy Samsung Ai Control. By registering on the official page you can receive a voucher to receive a set of Henkel branded products this way you will have enough detergent and softener for 6 months of washing.
Finally, we point out that, for the more curious, it is available instead l’Ai Experience. You can then try using the interactive dashboard to get a small preview of how Ai Control works. To do this, just go to the dedicated page.