How to duck on your horse in Red Dead Online
To dodge your horse, press the jump button (square on PS4, X on Xbox, space bar on PC or X on Stadia) while aiming. This is the same maneuver as combat diving on foot. As with diving, you have to hold a direction using the left, left or right analog stick, for the duck to work.
To make everything clear, you need to choose a direction with the left analog stick and press the jump button while aiming to dive.
Before you can use this ability, however, you'll need to do a bit of bounty hunting work. The pamphlet that unlocks the duck is a reward for reaching Rank 14 in the Bounty Hunter role, so you'll have to battle for a fairly large number of targets to acquire it. Our Bounty Hunter guide should be enough to get you started in bounty hunting if you haven't spent any time with this role yet. A Bounty Hunting License will cost you 15 Gold Bars if you haven't got your hands yet.
Like a lot of things in Red Dead Online, dodging on horseback can be a bit buggy for some people. Some people reported that it only worked against other players and not with NPCs, while others failed to trigger the move. Hope you won't have any issues, but if you have met the requirements but are not able to dodge for some reason, try selecting and reading the brochure in your inventory to make sure the movement is correctly unlocked. If that still doesn't work, try finding a new online session.
Duck on Horseback is an incredibly useful ability if you get blown away by heartaches in the open world, so it's well worth the work it takes to level up as a Bounty Hunter.