There is no rest for the Guardians in Destiny 2, and the introduction of the Season of Dawn requires players to return to the fray by working with Osiris, the exiled warlock. He needs your help to complete several tasks surrounding the Red Legion and their interest in the Infinite Forest.
After completing the first quest you receive from Osiris, A Matter of Time, and completing your first Sundial set, you have a new quest available to you called Recovering the Past.
Step 1: Field research. The first stage of the quest allows you to collect The energy patterns in the system by defeating The boss. You can take down the bosses in the game however you want, but the fastest way is to complete a Sundial mission. Jump into one of them and you should rack up all three bosses with no problem without having to search the entire system for them.
Step 2: Vex data collection. The next step is to use a shotgun and your melee attacks against enemies. Just like in the previous step, you can choose to scour the system for enemies or scour the sundial to complete it. However, the action of this stage is much more general, so you may want to do another activity, such as The Gambit matches, if you have the Python Ritual Weapon quest so that you can work on both at the same time. You need to take out 100 enemies with a shotgun and hit 25 with a melee attack to move on to the next game.
Step 3: Finishing touches. Unlike the previous steps, you now need to go through a specific process in this quest, which is to perform the Pyramidion strike. You can do this on Io, and it's the closest icon to the Breaking Landing Zone on the planet. Complete the strike once. The other step is to collect five weapon upgrades by completing The Crucible or Gambit matches, or by performing other strikes.
This guide is currently in progress and will receive updates.