4 million customers, 600.000 registered professionals and companies, 500 categories of services available and over 200.000 problems solved. These are the numbers of ProntoPro.it, the portal dedicated to the offer and demand for professional services that yesterday has completed 5 years of life.
“ProntoPro was born as a response to the need to find a reliable professional quickly and easily - he says Marco Ogliengo, CEO and co-founder of the platform - The customer sends a request for free and has direct access to personalized quotes, which can be evaluated through a system of reviews. A mechanism that is contributing to revolutionize the service market: the meeting between customer and professional is always easier, as in the experience of an online purchase ".
In its first five years of life the portal has generated a turnover of 163 million euros, of which 100 million last year alone, doubling the figure compared to 2018.

“Thanks to ProntoPro, thousands of professionals and service companies are discovering how to use the web to expand their work. The effectiveness of word of mouth is moving more and more from the real world to online, through the mechanism of reviews ", he adds Silvia Wang, President and co-founder with her husband Marco of the portal.
But who uses the service? Mainly users between 25 and 44 years old, an age group that does not have time to find a professional. The region in which the greatest number of users is registered is the Lombardy (21%), followed by Lazio and Emilia Romagna (11%), Campania, Piedmont and Veneto (8%).
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Tagsprontopro ProntoPro celebrates its first 5 years of life