Primal is a video game developed by SCE Cambridge Studio to Sony Playstation 2. The studio is the same one that oversaw the MediEvil and Ghosthunter saga.
The protagonists of the game are the forces of Order and Chaos, primary (hence the title Primal) for the creation and continuity of the world. Another protagonist is the young Jennifer Tate, who is at the rock concert of her boyfriend, Lewis. But he also enters the room a demon that has taken on human form who, at the end of the concert, attacks the two boys, seriously injuring them. The young people are transported to the hospital and, when the doctors have given the first treatment to Jen and leave her room, a character, that Scree, intervenes, who releases the spirit of the girl from her body.
After passing through a magical gap that leads them to the Nexus, in Oblivion, Scree explains to the young girl that the balance of the world has been upset and that she must bring things back to normal. To do this, Jennifer it can transform into four demonic forms whose powers allow her to defeat even the most fearsome enemies. The player, in Primal, can use both Jen and Scree, combining the abilities of both.
At the menu screen, hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 to enter the cheat menu, then enter one of the following codes and press SQUARE.
SEABREEZE - Bonus A: Opens the video "actors featurette"
AURORA - Bonus B: Opens all bonus videos
PSYCHOSIS - Bonus C: Opens all bonus videos
MIRRORY - Bonus D: Opens all bonus videos
ASCENDANT - Bonus E: Opens all bonus videos