EA Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville is a huge draw when it comes to online multiplayer sound. (The single-player content isn't too poor either.) That said, some would prefer to play together locally, as the game supports two-player local co-op.
So how can we participate in this? Well, there are a few steps to go through, but they're generally easy no matter what platform you're playing on. Let's describe what you need to do!
Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville - How to play split screen co-op
Get started with Co-Op
First of all, local split screen cooperative mode is not supported for PC. This might annoy some gamers, but EA has made it clear that this feature will be exclusive to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Still with us? Okay. The next step is to find the mode. Enter the menu, then have someone connect a second PlayStation 4 or Xbox One controller. Once done, they must hold down the square button or the X button, respectively, to activate the second player.
Now there is a catch. The second player needs to have a separate profile to be able to sign in, either on Xbox One or PlayStation 4. The reason is that the first player is already signed in with the default account and the second player can't browse as. guest They need their profile.
Fortunately, this should be fairly easy to do from the system's main menu. You don't need a lot of information. Just set up the profile, connect your friend and you're good to go!
Then what?
Once you've set up this profile, you should be good to go. The only problem we have seen with Bataille for Neighbor in this regard is when there is a message for “no space in the group”. It is a temporary oversight. Once you've created the second account for your friend or guest, this message should disappear and you should be set up. So jump into the mode of your choice, and it will begin!
You can choose from a variety of modes to take on your friend, so feel free to take a look around and see what works for you. Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville is a friendly game for kids and parents alike, making it the perfect family experience no matter which camp you choose. It's fun for friends who love shooters too!
Take advantage and make sure you have a good teammate!
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville will be released on October 18 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.