The Premier Cup is released alongside the Master League in Pokémon Go. Both leagues will be available for two weeks. The two leagues are incredibly similar and follow the same rules, except that the Master League allows trainers to use Mythical Pokémon, while the Premier Cup prohibits it. You won't be able to use any of your Mythic Pokémon against other Trainers, but it has no CP limit. Without the use of Mythic Pokémon in your roster, you have a handful of options you should focus on when trying to have the best odds against other players.
Swampert, Garchomp and Metagross
Metagross will be an extremely present face for those in the Premier Cup because it is easy to acquire. Lots of coaches have probably captured him over the past few months because they've been in battle league fights and earned it as a random encounter. It's a great choice, and alongside Garchomp, a Dragon and Ground type, and Swampert, a Water and Ground type, this is a unique way to defeat almost any opponent. These three elements cover their weaknesses extraordinarily well.
- Swampert: He should know about mud blasts, hydraulic cannons, and earthquakes
- Garchomp: He should know the tail of the dragon and the outrage and the explosion of fire
- Metagross: He should know about meteor mash and psychic
Electivire, Escavalier and Dragonite
It's an odd choice, but given what most coaches are likely to have available in the Premier Cup, it makes perfect sense. Electivire is an Electric type, and you want to be able to take down powerful Water-type Pokémon, such as Gyarados and notable flight types, such as Togekiss. Electivire offers a variety of electric type movements that you can use. If he's backed by Escavalier, a Bug and Steel type, and Dragonite, a Flying and Dragon type, you should be able to remove his notable Metagross and Magnezone counters.
- Electivire: He should know the shock of thunder and the savage charge and the blow of ice
- Staircase: He should know the counters and mega-days and the drill stroke
- Dragonite: He should know the dragon's breath and the dragon's claw and the hurricane
Magnezone, Rhyperior and Torterra
Your main objective in this combination is to prevent any team of Pokémon Gyarados and Swampert from coming in and sweeping your Magnezone, an Electric and Steel type, and Rhyperior, a Ground and Rock type, so you want to have your Torterra as the last option. Torterra, a Grass and Ground type, will be excellent against a majority of Choices, but he won't measure up to Togekiss, Dragonite, and Metagross. Of your three options, you'll probably want to open up with Rhyperior and then switch to another Pokémon if you need to. You probably don't want to waste your shields on Rhyperior, either.
- Magnezone: He should know the spark and the mirror and the wild charge
- Rhyperior: He should know how to slap or slap mud and wrecker and surf
- Torterra: He should know about razor leaves and frenzied plants and earthquakes
Gardevoir, Heracross and Arcanine
Those who use a Gardevoir, the Psychic and Fairy-type, can expect to see it frequently used to take out several Fighting-type Pokémon, as well as Dragon types you will encounter in the Premier Cup. Unfortunately, many Pokémon supporting these specific choices will be able to counter Gardevoir. You'll want to use Heracross, a Bug and Fighting type, and Arcanine, a Fire type, to help fill in everyone's weaknesses. You'd better open up with Heracross and keep Gardevoir in reserve for the Dragon and Fighting types your opponent might have.
- Gardevoir: You have to know the charm and the synchronoise and the shadow ball
- Heracross: He should know the counter and the mega-horn and close combat
- Arcanine: He should know the fiery fangs and the wild charge and crackle
Machamp, Hippowdon and Garchomp
The last combination we'll be discussing focuses on Machamp, Hippowdon, and Garchomp. You'll find these three complement each other exceptionally well, but Machomp, the Fighting type, and Hippowdon, the Ground type, share a handful of weaknesses. Still, Garchomp should be able to help these two, despite being a Ground and Dragon type. The most significant weaknesses these three will encounter include Togekiss, but a Hippowdon might be your best, so you need to keep it in reserve. You'll want to start the encounter using Machamp or Garchomp.
- Machamp: He should know the counter and the dynamic punch and the slide
Hippowdon: He should know the ice fan and the body snapping and earthquake - Garchomp: He should know the mud blows and indignation and the earthen tomb or the earthquake