Patapon is back and this time our little army of singing soldiers is heavier than ever! After a remastered that resulted in PlayStation 4 the first chapter with many problems, Sony tries again. It treasures the mistakes made in the past and re-proposes in 4K Patapon 2, here is our review!
Patapon 2 Remastered recensione
For those not familiar with it Patapon it's a rythm game in 2D released way back in 2007 on PlayStation Portable in which you control, through music, a group of nice creatures called, in fact, Patapon. The sweet eyes are actually a formidable battle-hardened army which, guided by us, theirs God, they will fight to the rhythm of the music to defeat their enemies and any obstacle that stands in front of them. In the second chapter, the Patapons rediscover their divinity and begin to re-arm themselves to return to their homeland and defeat the enemy creatures and tribes that have populated it.
Being, as anticipated, a Rythm game, every order to our army will be given to the sound of music through the four main buttons of the JoyStick. Square, Circle, Triangle and Cross (or Ics for the more romantic ones) correspond to four different sounds which, combined in certain sequences, will make the Patapons perform an action. This pretext means that specific keys to press at the right time do not appear on the screen, as happens in most video games of this type. In fact, we ourselves will decide what action to take to our handful of soldiers according to the situation.
If, for example, our army will have to to March in forward, you will need to press the combination of keys square, square, square, circle (PATA PATA PATA PON!♪), if instead enemies appear in front of us, we will have to give the order to attack with the sequence circle, circle, square, circle (PON PON PATA PON! ♫) and so on. All this, of course, to the rhythm of music and the adorable and combative little voices of the Patapons. In order to succeed in each mission, it is essential to give orders in sequence without interrupting the rhythm punctuated in four times. The latter will be signaled not only by the music, but also by the screen which will flash white in time.
Rarepon a go-go
Out of missions, more than 30, your army awaits you in a sort of scrolling menu to receive a new equipment, noovi members within the ranks e level up interesting. With the right combination of materials from the spoils of war, the Patapons can in fact be upgraded into new troops (or Rarepon) with unique weapons and abilities. We have, for example i Buhyokko, very strong heavy units but with slower oi attacks PyoPyo, Rarepon very fast and resistant to freezing. To these troops is also added the Patapon Hero, a more powerful special unit than the others that can adapt to any type of desired fighting style.
In addition to battles, it is possible to engage in "minigames" and secondary missions that help us overcome the main ones by obtaining new items, equipment and Patapons. Among these we find the hero mode in which we will cross a magical portal that will take us to new worlds to fight with furious creatures in the company of precious allies. Unfortunately there are no new game elements compared to the PsP version which would surely have enriched our experience. Also, she was inexplicably eliminated multiplayer mode instead present in the original game.
Ritmo in 4K
All the charm, rhythm and magic of Patapon 2 that we loved back in 2009, now returns to PlayStation 4 with a renewed graphics in 4K (1080p on base console) and audio that is more alive than ever. Fortunately Patapon 2 Remastered does not present the defects of the porting of the first chapter: the synchronization with the music is perfect and we have not encountered particular problems of receptivity to the pressure of the keys if not in the secondary "minigames" in which you have to press them in rapid succession.
Patapon 2 Remastered review: buy it or not?
The Remastered in Patapon 2 is everything fans of the series have always wanted to see in a next-generation console. The porting it is successful and although it does not present practically any new element compared to the original game, the experience that this title can offer to fans of the genre and not, is very high, especially when compared to the launch price.
Patapon 2 Remastered is now available digitally on the PS Store, priced at € 14,99.

Patapon 2 Remastered
- Exceptional porting
- All the magic of Patapon's music
- No new content
- Multiplayer mode eliminated