The Whispering Woods is where you'll learn the basics of battles and you'll have to solve a little puzzle before you can progress deeper into the game. If you get lost (literally or figuratively) in the whispers, we've got a guide quick explaining exactly what to do.
You will also find items here that you cannot yet interact with. There are empty spots on the floor, spikes blocking your path, and other weird dangers to no effect. Don't worry about these tips! You can come back later once you've unlocked more powers in. For now, that's all you need to know to dig deeper into the story.
Whispering Woods Walkthrough

Welcome to ! After the opening reunion with Princess Peach and King Olly, Mario is sent flying in the Whispers - he's going to crash right into the trees. Tap [B] to jump freely and start your journey.
Go downstairs and Olivia will explain confetti to you - slam trees with your hammer [[Yes] to find hidden objects and lots of confetti. Fill your bag, then press [[ZR] throw handfuls of confetti. For that first hole, you'll need to throw in about three handfuls of confetti before the hole fills up.
Once you've acquired Olivia below, you can rush in and smash the tree with it 1000 arms! Continuing deeper into the forest, jump and jump until you reach an apparent dead end - you will need to press [[A] and shoot the hanging vines. There are a few secret rewards here, including a Memory Match game which will reward you with a Super Star.

Ignore the spikes and simply pull the green vine tied to the right tree. Every time you shoot it, an object falls into the lake. Pull the vine three times, and the large log will begin to roll, making a perfect stepping stone to the exit.
Before leaving this area, pull the vine attached to the big gold ball. As you pull it, you rip the end - hit the tree with your hammer to reveal a 1000 arm marker! Use it to get a shriveled seed! If you ignore this, we will explain how to collect the shriveled seed again below.
What are all these shriveled things for? Continue further into the forest to find out! At the big stump, try leaving the room three times until Olivia suggests sitting on the big stump. This is where you will meet Ol 'Grandsappy - and get your quest to find the Soul seed!

Quest: Find the Soul Seed for Ol 'Grandsappy
Travel the right way from the big stump and you will meet your first real fight against Goombas. During battle, don't forget to hit [A] as soon as you land on Goomba's heads to deal extra damage.
- How to beat Goombas: Line them up in rows of four, then use boots to jump on their heads! If you can't, line them up 2 × 2 and use the hammer.
In battle, don't forget to use action controls during attacks to deal bonus damage. You can also defend yourself by pressing [[A] just as you are attacked to take less damage. It's super useful. You can also jump on enemies or use your hammer before a fight to deal extra damage.
In the subsequent fights, you will also discover several actions and several queues. Use these new cheats to take out Goomba's second and third battles.
- Collectible treasure: Mushroom - Past the lake you will find a treasure chest with this collectible treasure.
Reach the spring and climb onto the small ledge in the center to interact. hurry[[A]To see better.

How to get the seed of the soul: Return to the Boule d'Or near the left exit of the large stump room. Shoot the vine under the gold ball to tear it off, then use the hammer on the tree to reveal a 1000 arm marker. Open the gold ball to get the shriveled seed.
Take Shriveled seed to the spring at the end of the exit to the right towards the large stump area. You can also throw in shriveled mushrooms and shriveled fireflowers! Throw in the Shriveled seed will create the Soul seed.

Now that you've got the soul seed, go back to Ol 'Grandsappy! Remember to record at the record block level.
Back at Ol 'Grandsappy, it is not too good looking. Throw confetti at him until he's fixed. Talk to him and give him the Soul Seed. After a catchy song and dance number, you are free to leave the young tree behind.
In the next room, use your hammer to knock down the third fence wall and throw confetti to go through the hole. Right after that you will find your first hidden toad.

- Hidden Toad # 1: Find this toad on the road leaving Whispering Woods. He's stuck in a bush! Crush it flat to bring Toad back to normal.
At the campsite, there is a battle of Goomba and a bonus block with x1000 coins. Use confetti to secure the corner and jump up there for your prize! When leaving the campsite over a bridge, stop at the bench for a quick rest with Olivia. Why rest? On the benches you will heal completely!
Don't miss the following Hidden toads you can collect on your first visit. hurry[[Yes] in battle to spend coins and get help from the toads. The more you have, the more they will help you.

- Hidden Toad # 2: On the other side of the bridge, hit the tree to the left of the extinguished campfire, behind the firewood. An origami bug will descend on the tree - smash it with your hammer!
- Hidden Toad # 3: Stuck in the newspaper near the campfire. Pull it free!
- Hidden Toad # 4: At the picnic bench. Shoot it for free!
- Hidden Toad # 5: Stuck in a bush near the campsite lodge.
- Hidden Toad # 6: In the pile of firewood next to the lodge deck.
- Hidden Toad # 7: To the left of the lodge, jump on the grass near the door and hit the bent toad with your hammer.
There is a lot more to discover in the Whispering Woods, but there is nothing you can do with a lot here. It's time to head back to Toad Town! Follow the path out of the Whispering Woods camp and you will enter Toad Town.