For this walkthrough you will also need to find the four Shell Stones. The Shell Stones are the keys you'll need to unlock the Vellumental Temple on Picnic Road. There are four typos, and they're hidden in semi-optional areas all over Overlook Mountain. I'll list where to find them below.
Pt. 1: Find the seed of the soul | Whispering Woods | Pt. 2: Reach Peach Castle | Toad Toad | Pt. 3: Save Luigi | Graffiti Underground | Pt. 4: tons of hidden toads | Picnic route | Pt. 5: All 4 Shell Stone Locations | Overlook Mountain | Pt. 6: Fight the first boss | Vellumental Temple of the Earth | Pt. 7: Cut the red streamer | Overlook Tower

Overlook Mountain Walkthrough
Welcome to Overlook Mountain! The Overlook Tower is where you'll need to go to unwrap the red banner to Peach Castle. This is the first of the five! You'll also want to visit Toad Town or hit all the special blocks to get Iron Boots. They are needed here!
- Collectible treasure: Lush Shrubs - Just left as you enter Overlook Mountain. You'll have to fight two Folded Shy Guys, so be prepared with a Mushroom if you run out of HP.
Follow the path to the right. Hope you have these Iron Boots, as you will need them to defeat the thorny new enemies.

- How to beat thorny: Use iron boots and line them up in 1 × 4 rows. If you try to jump normally, you will take damage! Outside of combat, use the hammer when they try to attack you to avoid damage. If you hit them with a hammer, they will flip onto their backs at the start of a fight, allowing you to use normal boots to attack them without taking damage.
Pass confetti past the prickly trees at the little gazebo - if you fix it there is a bench here you can use to fully cure.
- Hidden Toad # 43-45: On the way from the bench you will find a small outdoor area with lots of jumping grasshoppers. These toads are actually hidden toads, so hunt them down and smash them with your hammer.

In the small region full of grasshoppers, you will encounter another new type of enemy. The Paragoombas!
- How to beat Paragoombas: These goombas can spawn from anywhere, and they can fly! This means that you have to (usually) line them up in 1 × 4 blocks and use your boots.
- They are so tough that I recommend using the Iron Boots to make sure they are defeated. Hopping on a Paragoomba will also remove its wings. Paragoombas can also be hammered - so you may need to line them up in 2 × 2 blocks for perfect alignment.
- Hidden Toad # 46: Defeat the hidden Paragoomba near the main road, behind a bush, to reveal this hidden toad.

Green shell stone: Ahead, look for a shady customer at a table surrounded by Koopa Troopas. Here is the Green Shell Stone - one of the four missing shells you need for the Vellumental Gate! It costs 10 coins. So start saving if you haven't already started. This is optional, so you can just continue and come back later.
After Green shell stone seller, you will find Chain pipe 1. This brings you back to the center of the Toad Town Museum, which you can use to access areas all over the Paper Realm. It's a convenient way to return to Toad Town and visit all the new stores.
- Hidden Toad # 47: Just behind Warp Pipe 1, there is a rock. Smash it with your hammer to reveal a hidden toad.

At the bridge behind Chain pipe 1, you will have to face a giant Goomba! Lure him to charge, then run away and get off the bridge. When he slowly returns, clear his weak point with your hammer, you can defeat him as usual!
There is a Save block coming up, don't miss it! There is also something important behind the recording block ...

Yellow shell stone: Found behind the backup block. In this grassy area, one of the grass patches is moving… hit it with your hammer and defeat the Goombas to generate a 1000 arm counter. Use it to knock down the wall and reveal this stone. It doesn't cost you anything this time.
- Hidden Toad # 48-52: There are five toads hidden on the ledge to the right of the save block! Go over there and clear them all.
- Collectible treasure: Sap Sister - Found on the path near the five buried hidden toads, to the right of the save block. Take the path down, then follow a hidden path on the left - it leads to this treasure, blocked by a hole that you will have to fill with confetti.

Blue shell stone: Go to the pier at the bottom of the save block path to find a fishing rod. Use it to shoot the big Cheep-Cheep in the center of the water - roll it up and beat it to earn the blue stone.
At the wooden stakes, prepare to flee when a Thwomp plant! Run all the way back and a Super Star will appear on top of a nearby tree. Shake the tree with your hammer, then grab it and explode through Thwomps' wall! While you're energized, you can defeat three thorny enemies on the right.
- Hidden Toad # 53: To the left of the wooden stakes, there is a small dead end path that leads to a folded toad.
Continue on the path to a tram station wrapped in red banners. There is nothing you can do here, just continue to the tower! On the path that awaits you, you will be ambushed by three thorny trees. Use your hammer to weaken them before the fight!

Quest: Unlock Overlook Tower
At the top of the summit you will find that it is impossible to reach the Overlook Tower. He was resurrected! To reach it, you will have to unleash the power of the Earth Vellumental. To do this, we need the four shells.
If you followed this guide, we have 3/4 of the seashells. Head down towards Overlook Sports Park - the last one is bound to be nearby.
- Hidden Toad # 54: Defeat the two shy bent guys using a toad as a soccer ball!

Red seashell stone: The last stone is located in the lower area of the Overlook Sports Park. There are three Giant Shy Guys who use it like a soccer ball. Hit one with your hammer, then chase the ball - move Mario around so the Shy Guy tries to pass a knocked out Giant Shy Guy. Then you can catch it without any problem.
With the four Shell Stones, return to the Green Pipe of the Sports Park for a quick trip to Picnic Road.
- Hidden Toad # 55-57: Three Hidden Toads are freed if you run over the three Giant Shy Guy in the Sports Park.
- Collectible treasure: Paper Macho Shy Guy - The treasure can be found on a small cliff accessible in the Overlook Sports Park, where the three giants Shy Guys appear.
Head back to Picnic Road and enter the four shells in the Earth Vellumental gate to unlock the temple.