If you've made it this far, you know exactly what to expect. If you are battling baddies, I recommend that you go back to our Shangri-Spa fix and purchase additional legendary weapons. You can also collect Toad Town 1-Up Mushrooms to automatically restart them. If you're ever lost in a fight you'll earn tons of money in the dungeon, so don't be afraid to pay your toads to cheer you on.
Ready? Let's refuel and shoot Ollie.
Paper Mario: The Origami King - Table of Contents:
Red Streamer Region: Pt. 1: Find the seed of the soul | Whispering Woods | Pt. 2: Reach Peach Castle | Toad Toad | Pt. 3: Save Luigi | Graffiti Underground | Pt. 4: tons of hidden toads | Picnic route | Pt. 5: All 4 Shell Stone Locations | Overlook Mountain | Pt. 6: Fight the first boss | Vellumental Temple of the Earth | Pt. 7: Cut the red streamer | Overlook Tower
Blue Streamer region: Pt. 8: Reach the water sanctuary | Autumn mountain | Pt. 9: Save Bobby and unlock the shrine | Chestnut Valley | Pt. 10: Defeat the Guardian | Vellumental water sanctuary | Pt. 11: Save the staff and get the bone | Shogun Studios | Pt. 12: Save Luigi and get the master key | Ninja Attraction | Pt. 13: Cut the blue streamer | Big Sho 'Theater
Yellow streamer region: Pt. 14: Save Olivia | Princess Peach | Pt. 15: Unlock the Fire Cave | Burning sandpaper desert | Pt. 16: All the 4 jewels of the tower | Fire Vellumental Cave | Pt. 17: Cut the yellow coil | Mushroom temple
Purple streamer region: Pt. 18: How To Find Diamond Island | The great sea | Pt. 19: The 3 sacred orbs | Diamond Island | Pt. 20: Cut the purple streamer | Sea tour
Green Streamer Region: Pt. 21: Visit the 5 hot springs | Shangri-Spa | Pt. 22: Cut the green streamer | Bowser's castle
Peach castle: Pt. 23: Defeat Ollie | Final dungeon
Walkthrough of the origami castle

When you're ready to invade Peach's Castle, talk to Bowser (the face of) and tell him you're ready to go. Don't worry, you can always go back after reaching the castle and restock if you run out of supplies.
Once you get started, the giant airship will fly through the sky and encounter swarms of enemy paper planes! Mario mans the front turret - you can choose to use [[Motion controls] or the [[Left stick]. Both work, but the [[Left stick] is a little easier to target.

During this sequence, all you have to do is place your targets in the large circle reticle. The Bob-Bombs you throw will automatically follow enemies a bit, so even if you're a little behind your shots will still hit. To heal, shoot the hearts in parachutes or rescue one of your allies who cry out for help - they will reward you with a heart.
At the end you will have to blow up a big boss plane. Just keep blowing it up and destroying the little paper planes it spawns until it's destroyed. keep shooting to smash the debris falling towards you and you will complete this mini-game.

Quest: Escape Hotfoot Crater
Instead of landing at Peach Castle, Bowser's airship crash lands inside the volcano itself! Hotfoot Crater is a magma-filled dungeon, and we're going to go outside to access Peach's Castle.
To escape the crashed airship, climb up to the upper deck and reach the center mast. Hit the mast with Mario's hammer to knock it down, creating a bridge to your first save block. It was then that an entire swarm of Paper Macho minions fell from Peach's Castle and attacked. Run avoiding the falling Bob-Bombs to escape the swarm.

Keep going up and Kamek will slow them down - before you will have to lure the Bob-Bombs towards the big rocks to detonate them. Don't worry if you take damage, every cracked rock has a heart inside. Past these blocks, the ground will collapse under Mario. Be prepared to look for a way out of the holes!
At the top of the crater, Bowser will lead Mario into the airship's cannon and launch towards Peach Castle. You have finally succeeded! But the door is closed!

Quest: Find the Key to Peach's Castle
The door to Peach's Castle is locked. And Luigi arrives without the key! Where are we going to find it? It's actually a lot closer than Luigi thinks. If you watched the cutscene carefully, you've seen it before, too.
Find[[Peach Castle Key] protruding from the rear of Luigi's Kart. You can now unlock the door!

Quest: Confront Ollie the King of Origami
Before entering the castle, let's refuel. use Chain pipe 6 in front of Peach Castle. In Toad Town, you can buy Mushrooms to heal yourself if you're weak or pick up a 1-Up Mushroom to prepare for the bosses you'll face. You can also go to the Shangri-Spa and pick up Legendary Boots or spare Legendary Hammers.
After entering Peach's Castle, you will get a cutscene and witness the transformation of her palace into an origami castle. Now we have truly reached the final dungeon! Hit the two bonus blocks outside to get Legendary Boots and Legendary Hammer.

How to enter the origami castle: To unlock the entrance, go to the top of the stairs and hit the checkered floor with your hammer. You will see two loose tiles - one in the lower left corner and one in the upper center. Hit the two tiles to flip them and generate a magic circle of 1000 arms.
Use the circle and you will open the underside of Olly Castle. In the fights to come, I recommend using legendary weapons! They are strong enough to defeat these tough enemies in a single turn.

How to deal with the Sumo Bros.: The Sumo Bro guarding the first lane is a cunning opponent. To get past him, make sure you only run to each hiding place when he's not looking. If he sees you, he'll stomp on the platform and drop you into the biting origami below. Origami does 100 damage - better to avoid it!
Wait for the Sumo Bros to turn their backs on you before rushing off. This way you will always have enough time to hide or hit them! Defeating them will generate a magic circle of 1000 arms.
- Collectible treasure: Luigi's Kart - When you reach the blue paths in the first room of Origami Castle, shoot the bonus block to the left of the Fire Bros.
To exit the first room, reach the unfolded bonus block in the back left corner. Pull and open with your hammer to generate the 1000 arms you need.

On the second floor: The second floor is another glove. Follow the red bridge to the left, avoiding the biting origami to reach the adjacent room on the left. To progress, you will have to sneak between the left and right rooms to reach the back of the central room.
In the left chamber, avoid the Boomerang Bros. and reach the left wall. There is a folded blue bridge that you can knock down that leads to four bonus blocks.
- Collectible treasure: Bullet Bill - In one of the four bonus blocks, on the second floor (left room) of Origami Castle.

In the left rear corner of the left room, remove the decal from the platform and mount it on the right. Here there is a shortcut you can take down and a blue bridge to the Ice Bros. - defeat the Koopa Ice Launcher to create a magic circle of 1000 arms.
When you roll straight onto the platform, you can grab a loose flap and open it to reveal a hidden staircase! This brings you back to the center room - follow the red path to the correct room this time.

Koopa Magic Circle Maze: In the correct room, use the green pipe and shoot the bonus block to reveal a magic circle. But the Koopa Troopas are stealing it! Go back into the Green Pipe and enter the maze - be sure to run when the Sumo Bros see you. They'll spin the colorful platforms, dropping Mario into the biting ground below. After smashing each Koopa shell with your hammer, use the Green Pipe to reset. You must reach the three shells to collect the magic circle.
Use the 1000 arm magic circle to create a small house with stairs inside. Watch out for the soldier folded inside!
- Collectible treasure: Paper Plane Squadron - Inside the small house you deploy with 1000 folded arms, on the second floor (right room) of Origami Castle.
Leaving the correct room will return you to the center. After using the 1000 arms, step back and pull up the Paper Macho Koopa so you can touch the weak point of its shell. After that you will have to solve a small puzzle.

How to get out of the second floor: At the end of the second floor, it looks like you're stuck. Near the bonus block, use your hammer on the purple diamond-shaped paper to flip it - then go up the stairs and use your hammer on the yellow diamond-shaped paper.
Flip the two diamonds to create arms 1000 times. Hit the lower left block, then the upper left block, then the raised center block and the upper right block to create a path to the exit.

The third floor: We're close to Ollie now! On the way from the red carpet to the boss door, a swarm of folded soldiers will charge Mario! Don't fight them - hit the left pillar to take down the King Ollie statue and spin the bridge, throwing all the baddies into the biters below.
In front, hit the walls of the next room with your hammer and get ready for a new big boss fight.

Boss: Stapler
The stapler is a powerful watchdog that uses a staple cartridge to attack. Depending on your range, the boss will use different amounts of staples - if you are close, he will use 2 staples. If you are far away it will use 8 staples.
- NOTE: Watch out for the stapler bite! If you don't protect yourself from a basic attack, Mario will be stapled to the ground. This makes him vulnerable to a more powerful counterattack by Stapler that deals 22 damage.
The trick to this fight is waiting for the boss to recharge. When there are no more staples, use the 1000 arms folded over! Normal attacks don't hurt - prepare the “ON” tile by landing on the treasure chest, then launch 8 long-range basic attacks.

Hammer attacks are unnecessary - they will only get one base item. Hit him with boots to remove 4 staples. You can also use 1000 bent arms to clear multiple staples and deal real damage before the boss is stunned.
Using 1000 arms on the boss while in a reload state deals double the damage. Use 1000 arms as often as possible to clear staples and deal damage, then use them again when he needs to recharge.
- NOTE: There is no way to defend against Stapler's charged attack. Just try to stay healed and keep yourself when he attacks. The fewer staples it has, the less damage it will do to you. Try to eliminate as many staples as possible before you can trigger the charged attack.

After removing around 50% HP, the boss will gain red staples. They're more powerful, but nothing you can't handle. Towards the end of the fight, Stapler earns gold staples. He'll use a basic barrage almost immediately - grab the Treasure tile and let go one last 1000 arms to defeat him!
Defeating Stapler finally frees Bowser from his tiny fate. Smash it with your hammer and we can continue deeper into Origami Castle. The hallway in front of you leads to the final battle - rest on the bench and use the save block.
- Collectible treasure: Origami Castle - Near the last bench of the origami castle, on the stairs to King Ollie's throne room.

Boss: King Ollie
King Ollie has mastered all four Bibliofolds and can transform into any of the four Vellumentals. From the start, Ollie will charge a powerful attack - you have to land on the “On” tile and the magic circle to stop him.

- Vellumental form of the Earth: Use Ice to stop Ollie. When it's frozen, use 1000 bent arms to flip it over and crush it.
- Vellumental Form of Water: Make sure you only start moving when the water jets are not positioned near the tiles you need. Use Earth Vellumental to dodge his attack, then use 1000 arms while he's stunned.
- Vellumental Form of Fire: Avoid molten feathers - the more feathers there are on a tile, the more damage Mario will take. Try to get the big heart to heal +100 HP. Use water to cool Ollie, leaving him dizzy for a spin. You can now use 1000 arms to finish it off.
- Ice Vellumental Form: This form starts right away with the Ice Maze. Remember the trick - watch which of the three rings it moves. He will only move three. These are usually the three outer rings. Try to memorize where the Magic Circle is at the start, then back out.
After melting the ice, you must complete a second ice maze to reach the 1000 arms. This one is more difficult, but just watch which bells spin and which stay still, and note where the magic circle is before you shuffle the arena.
If you are quick, you can complete the boss fight after defeating all four forms once. If you are slow, Ollie will heal and you will have to redo one or more forms. Just follow the directions for each form and you will defeat Ollie's first form.

Boss: Ollie The Origami King (Second Form)
In this form, you must help the giant Origami Bowser push Ollie out of the arena! To do this, use the 1000-armed magic circles behind Bowser and hit the ground to generate shock waves, pushing him forward slightly. You will only have a few seconds so shake quickly!
Ollie sends spinning blades to stop you. Jump on them to destroy them, then move to follow Bowser, attacking the ground behind him to push him forward.
Once you push him enough, Ollie will summon a thwomp. Pump up your arms to hit the ground with 1000 arms bent as hard as you can! If the thwomp crushes Mario, the game is over.

Boss: Ollie The Origami King (Forme finale)
For this final battle, Olivia summons a Super Magic Circle, but Ollie mixes it up! You will have to fix the problem - first match the colors by moving the lines, then rotate the rings to complete the picture. Ollie will attack Mario while you try to solve the puzzle, so be prepared to press [[A] to dodge his attacks.
When you complete the Super Magic Circle, Ollie will use a super attack against you. You must dodge! press [A] to escape his numerous attacks. A[[A] A prompt will appear for each attack. If you get hit, Ollie will shuffle the Super Magic Circle again.

Complete the Super Magic Circle to turn Olivia into a giant origami hammer! Use it to knock Ollie out for good!
Olivia folds the 1th crane and brings the Mushroom Kingdom back to normal! The day is saved - but Olivia is gone. Toad Town is celebrating, but it's a bittersweet moment for Mario and his friends. The origami festival has finally arrived and the whole town remembers their lost friend Olivia.