Well, to everyone's surprise, the Pangolin Prime is a monster. The Prime version of a much ridiculed weapon has proven to be a top tier sword, and arguably the best one-handed sword in the game right now. Best of all, an incredibly strong build can be achieved by investing a single Forma

The primed range will give the Pangolin Prime an impressive 5,5 range for easy group clears, while Bezerker takes advantage of the high critical values the generation generates to increase attack speed and DPS. Weeping wounds will grant significantly improved status chance and play nicely in condition overload which will take advantage of status effects to do increased damage.
Organ Shatter provides a simple critical boost, and Blood Rush will slowly increase crit chance based on your combo multiplier. Fever Strike and Vicious Frost will combine to give viral damage and a little status boost to the Vicious Frost mod. Viral has become one of the best status effects in the game now, increasing damage dealt directly to health.

That's it, a simple and fairly easy to build construction that will be extremely effective. While your first swing isn't that impressive, at the end of your first combo you'll see a lot of yellow crits, quickly followed by orange and red.
For people who want to invest a little more in the weapon and really increase the damage count, two additional Forma will allow you to replace Fever Strike with Primed Fever Strike and Vicious Frost with Northwind, allowing you to really push the Viral Damage Combo. and slash that makes this weapon so effective.
Finally, by pairing it with something like a Cynex, modified for Gas and Corrosive, you can easily stack two new status types on enemies, and then you really see the damage increase from Condition Overload shine.