The annual Overwatch Archives event kicks off and works with new skins, emotes, and other cosmetics, and brought back classic Uprising, Retribution, and Storm Rising arcade missions from previous years. For the first time, Blizzard hasn't added a new story to play, opting instead to incorporate Challenge Missions that are twists on those original missions that will unlock each week of the event. These modes do not change the objectives of the missions but instead will change the way you play them. The challenges of the first weekend take place during the uprising. Here are some tips and tricks for overcoming the challenges.
Related: Everything you need to know about Overwatch's new Triple Damage mode
Melted hearts
Molten Cores enemies all go
pool of lava surrounding the area where they were killed. The lava acts in the
in the same way as Torbjorn's ultimate, hence the name, except that it does not damage
you as fast as in multiplayer. Don't let this give you too much confidence,
however, as it can still harm your health in critical situations.
First of all, your team of four is going to need
a reliable team composition to overcome this challenge. With the lava pools
appearing after you kill the null sector, you're going to want to prioritize the range
characters. Soldier: 76, McCree, Torbjorn, Orisa, Baptiste, Ashe, Sigma, Bastion,
Ana, Hanzo and Zenyatta preferably stand out from the crowd. You will generally have
want a tank, two damage, and a support character when you start, but your
the team can mix and match according to their preferences.
On the side of the characters no
recommended are Brigitte, Doomfist, D.Va, Reinhardt, Genji, Tracer, Reaper and
Winston. These heroes in particular do not respond well to this challenge due to
their addiction to getting close to enemies, and they have abilities that could
push them easily into lava pools.
Glass barrel
The challenge of Glass Cannon is that your damage
is increased, but at the expense of your decreased health. The raise of
damage makes any hero an instant death threat. Yet, if they are not careful, they can
become a responsibility with the times of resurrection continually taking longer
once you get off.
In general, you are going to want
players who tend to survive prolonged battles. Suggested heroes include
Reaper, Mercy, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Sigma, Lucio, Mei, Orisa, Moira, Baptiste,
and Roadhog. I usually included Wrecking Ball here, but there is no
plenty of room for him to move reliably in his ball form so he is not
recommended here.
I did better in this mode
using two tanks, damage and support. With diminished health, you do
not necessarily need a ton of care, just enough to keep your team
alive combined with the shields you use. Reaper is excellent for filling
his health quickly, so he's probably the most recommended hero in this mode.
On the side of the deprecated heroes
pour Glass Cannon est Wrecking Ball, D.Va, Tracer, Doomfist, Genji, Zenyatta, Winston,
and Pharah. As you can see, diving characters aren't perfect for Glass Cannon
due to their tendency to go out on their own in fields. If they go down
in the middle of the fight, it leaves the team to work
precarious situations to save them. Take this mission as slow and sure as
possible to ensure success.