Overwatch's Archive event has moved into its second week, and Blizzard has unlocked the next set of brand-new challenge missions.
Like the First Weekend Missions, there are two new versions of Retribution to play. The two versions don't necessarily change the way the mission is played, but rather affect the way you play the mission. Here are some quick tips on how best to beat both missions.
Related: Overwatch Archives Uprising Challenge Missions tips and tricks
Surgical strike

Surgical Strike lets you play through Retribution, where the only damage you can do is critical hits (headshots). This is important to note because not only does it make most of the ultimates and damage abilities completely useless in this mode, but some heroes are not even playable because they cannot do regular critical damage.
The heroes available in Surgical Strike are D.Va, Orisa, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball, Ashe, Genji, Hanzo, McCree, Mei, Reaper, Soldier 76, Sombra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, Baptiste, Lucio, Mercy and Zenyatta. Of these heroes, Orisa, Ashe, Hanzo, McCree, Soldier, Widowmaker, Baptise, Lucio, Mercy, and Zenyatta are recommended for success due to their abilities to deal bullet damage to the head or use their supports in cases of Lucio and Mercy.
Of all these heroes, only Hanzo can deal damage using his Storm Arrow ability. His ultimate is the only one that can deal critical damage, but it's only when the arrow is fired that the dragons themselves won't do anything. Your team is going to need snipers to complete this challenge. Aim the red helmets at the Talon soldiers while keeping your teammates alive, and you will beat him.
On the side of the deprecated heroes
for Surgical Strike, avoid using Torbjorn, Mei, Genji and Wrecking Ball
fresh. Torbjorn's turret will have no effect on enemies here, nor any
of Mei's freezing capabilities. Genji and Wrecking Ball are also relying too much on
their movement abilities to be useful in a mission where only headshots get rid of
Close quarters

Close Quarters brings it all back
the roster should be playable in a mode that sees enemies only taking damage when someone
on your team is quite close. You will know when the Talon soldiers can take
damage, as they will no longer have a yellow glow like they are
standing in one of Baptiste's fields of immortality.
Recommended heroes for this mode
include, D.Va, Reinhardt, Reaper, Genji, Briggite, Lucio, and Tracer. You want
heroes who can come together in battle and survive. Reinhardt, Reaper,
and Briggite should be chosen almost every time because of their
Ability to extinguish damage and heal / heal others in the event of
Reaper and Brig. Use Reaper and D.Va/Genji to dive snipers. While the sniper
and struggle sometimes, they don't have much of a chance to fight
those heroes who jump on them.
Heroes to avoid in Close Quarters include Bastion, Torbjorn, Soldier 76, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Zenyatta, Orisa, Ashe, and Moira. While these heroes can deal damage from a distance, your teammates will need to be in combat already, which will dramatically reduce your production and overall utility in the mission.