If you try to search the internet "Photography course" what you get will be hundreds and hundreds of offers to choose from. But how do you find the most suitable one? It is not easy to recognize from a short presentation what it can do for us, so we thought we would give you a hand. We also did this research and dug among the offers of online photography courses to choose the ones we think are the most reliable.
What we propose are solutions for all budgets and above all for all levels. There are platforms like Udemy who have a vast catalog of photography courses - and more - that will surely be able to please everyone. From the beginner to the most advanced photographer who wants to deepen a certain technique. There are also some photography courses held by great photographers, who can help us more than understanding the basic photographic technique to understand how a professional approaches his work. They tell us their story to be an example and a stimulus to improve ourselves. We consider these more as inspirational courses, but hearing a great professional talking passionately about their work we believe is just as important as learning the basics.
1. Udemy
One of the largest platforms for online courses and video courses is Udemy. Inside it is not just about photography, but also about marketing or design, just to give a few examples. As for the photography courses, they range from the basics of photographic technique, through post-production or smartphone photography. The courses are available in both Italian and English, it depends on the teacher who teaches the course. Udemy is in fact an international platform, born in Turkey, and which internally offers courses in more than 65 different languages.
Udemy, in essence, is a container that anyone can upload their course into. In the example we have reported above, in fact, the course was created by Teacher-in-a-Box, which among other things also has its own site where there are many courses in photography, post-production, videomaking and more. still.
Prices for all online courses vary but you might take advantage of the offer in place at the time of writing to tackle the first photography course for only 19,99 euros.
2. Fotografiaprofessionale.it
Although the name may stop novice users, come on fotografiaprofessionale.it there are photography courses for all levels. Specialized mainly in post production, the boys of fotografiaprofessionale.it have also thought of a training course that transforms the beginner into a photographer able to deal with different genres. In fact, through the operation from Zero to Pro you will be able to follow many different photography, post-production and even videomaking video courses over the course of a year. With this path we believe that you will hardly be able to really become professionals, but it actually addresses all the most important issues related to photography. Included in the price - a one-year subscription for € 297 - are also some useful ebooks.
Simone Poletti, one of the co-founders of fotografiaprofessionale.it, has also made available to users a free course on the use of Photoshop. More than a course, it is a sort of half-hour tutorial to discover some techniques to be used with the most famous photo editing software. It is called SOS Photoshop and downloading it for free is also an opportunity to understand if this type of courses may interest you.

- Sontag, Susan (Author)
3. Masterclass
Di Masterclass we already talked to you a few days ago, so we won't go too far in explaining what it is. We only tell you that it is a container of online courses made by world excellence in every sector. And we come immediately to the photography courses: the first that appears if we look for photography is what you see as a teacher Annie Leibovitz. This alone should make us understand the level of what we are going to look at.
Annie Leibovitz is a photographer who during her career has won many awards and portrayed some of the most important personalities in the world of entertainment and beyond. The photographer has made many images that have become iconic, one above all the one taken of John Lennon naked embracing Yoko Ono, on the very morning the artist was murdered. This is just to make you understand who is holding the Masterclass.
The photography course held by Leibovitz consists of 15 lessons of varying duration, in any case between 8 minutes and 25 (if we do not consider the introduction).
The cost of a single course is € 100, but by spending € 200 you can have access to all the masterclasses on the site for one year. In addition, a 2 × 1 offer is currently active, a valid additional incentive.
4. ICP Education
The I.nternational Center of Photography (ICP) is one of the reference institutions for photography in the world. Known for the very important exhibitions it hosts in its spaces in New York, the ICP in 2001 also opened its photography school and today offers full-time and part-time programs and even some online photography courses. We find a wide offer, from the basics to Fine Art, also passing through smartphone photography, post-production and the criteria for editing a work.
The costs of photography courses held by the ICP teachers are very high - $ 750 for the first level course - but at the same time they are a guarantee of quality. So if you have the availability to commit financially but also to follow all the lessons (obviously in English) it could be the right course for you. The photography courses, but also the online courses, at the ICP are recognized worldwide as tra the best training courses In this compound. Studying in contact with the history of photography is a significant plus, but obviously it is still very onerous.

- Freeman, Michael (Author)
5. Magnum Photos
In our research on photography courses we also came across the small but absolutely interesting proposal of Magnum Photos. And also in this case we are faced with structured courses by world-famous photographers who through video lessons will guide you to discover photography. At the moment the course is available on the Magnum website Alec Soth, that through 19 videos for a total of more than 5 hours of course, talks about her career, how she started with photographic techniques, editing and much more.
The price of Alec Soth's photography course is $ 99, equal to the cost of The Art of Street Photography where some great photographers, including Martin Parr, Bruce Gilden or Carolyn Drake and industry experts, tell us about their work, they take us to the field to encourage the user to improve in many different ways.
As we said at the beginning, choosing an online photography course is not easy at all, and it is precisely for this reason that we wanted to collect some of the proposals on the web. And we have deliberately chosen courses also in English because they are held by great photographers of our time, from which to learn and be inspired. Sometimes, in fact, inspiration is more important than technique. But if you are a beginner it is also important to know the technique before letting yourself be guided only by inspiration!

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- 4K Photo and 4K Video features