E3 just unveiled the first cinematic trailer for Marvel's Avengers: A-Day game and it's AWESOME! Marvel's Avengers: A-Day E3 2019 exhibit generated excitement, as the trailer featured a familiar yet very unique storyline. The characters deliberately look more like their comic book counterparts than movie actors. Also, they really act, sound and talk like they do in the comics. The Marvel Avengers release date is set for May 2020 and we'll do the trailer breakdown below, but first check if you haven't yet: Black Widow, Thor, and Captain America. The fan-favorite Avengers are missing from the trailer, but that doesn't mean they're not in the game of course. The A-Day event is underway as a new threat of foreign origin and extremely dangerous presents itself. Our heroes are then seen attacked by human soldiers but it appears that they are controlled by an alien force that also controls the Helicarrier shield. Towards the climax of the conflict, we see a strange crystal that appears to emanate from this strange blue power, and after a brief glimpse, it explodes into a pulse of energy that brings down the transport helicopter.
as the world now seemed to blame the Avengers for the events as they were seen fighting the military. The question of the usefulness or the dangerousness of the Avengers seems to arise again as our team must once again face difficulties and the danger of unraveling. One of the Avengers appears to have died in the initial attack, but our heroes go into battle.
Marvel's Avengers video game is coming to PC, Xbox One, PS4 and is being developed by Crystal Dynamics. Several other companies are involved in the project, such as Eidos Montreal, Crystal Northwest, Nixxes Software, and everything is done under the wing of Marvel. The precise release date for Marvel's Avengers is May 12, 2020!
If you would like to be kept up to date with developments and information regarding the upcoming Marvel's Avengers video game, check out the following pages: